I have a 90 gallon with 20 gallon sump. 80lbs live sand, 80lbs live rock, 150 reef octopus, and 4 powerheads on wavemaker.
Clown Goby
Ocellaris Clownfish, 2
Bluespotted Watchman Goby
Green Chromis 3 will become one over time
Royal Gramma Basslet
Kole Tang
fine except as annotated
Really should I go with more or just one?
If you must have chromis, go with only one. However, be very careful as this species is highly susceptible to uronema marinum so a good quarantine protocol is highly desirable.
Snorvich, about a month ago I bought 3 lyretails. Had to remove one of my females because she started fighting with the male. So now I'm left with one male and one female. I'll be purchasing 3 Bartlett females for my next fish. I've read to only keep one male in one tank. Since there's already a lyretail male, will the female Bartletts ever turn male or stay female since there's already a male in there? Or does the one male per tank rule only apply per species? TIA!
Tank size (especially tank length)? You probably would not believe it, but it does make a difference.
Oops sorry,
5' 120g
Hi i have a 2ft tank how many fish could a put in only wanting clowns and maybe a box puffer if i can andvsoft corals ehat would my limit be
Thanks lee
Ok thanks if i was to go up to a 32in tank would that alow me one more fish or would it still be to if i have some clean up crew ? What is the limit with corals ?
Hey Steve,
Tank has been up for 4 months and is 72x24x25 with 120 lbs of live rock and a 2" sand bed in the display and a 3" sandbed in the sump/fuge w/an additional 20 lbs of live rock rubble coming this week to start curing/cycling and added to the sump. In addition, the ubiquitous ball of chaeto in the fuge.
Currently have a Vertex 180i skimmer which will be upgraded to a 200i as bioload increases. 2 MP40's currently running with a Gyre that I will be receiving and installing this week. I run GFO and GAC 24/7 and have a 40 watt UV that I will be receiving and installing this week.
Current tank inhabitants:
2 - Columbian/Black Fin Catshark (Adult)
1 - Desjardini Tang (Adult)
1 - Banana Wrasse (Adult)
1 - Clarkii Clown (Adult)
2 - Boxfish (Adult)
1 - Volitans Lion (~5")
1 - Emperor Angel (Juvenile)
1 - Goldflake Angel (Juvenile)
1 - Watchman Goby (Juvenile)
Possible immediate addition (from my 65 gal FOWLR):
1 - 3 Spot Domino Damsel (Adult)
Possible future additions:
1 - Clarkii Clown (pair w/existing and possible hosting by RBTA)
1 - Harlequin Tusk
1 - Achilles Tang
2 - Cleaner Wrasse
Many thanks in advance for the invaluable service that you provide here...
This was my original post that I posted in two forums before I realized this is where it should be (yeah I know rookie error).
Hi all, I want to get peoples opinions This thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff. If you want general opinions, please post in Reef Fish (which I see you have done).
and/or advise on stocking my mixed reef system. It is a 75g tank 48"x18"x20" it is cycled, lighting is 4 bulb T5 HO ATI bulbs, skimmer, UV sterilizer, 2 reactors, carbon and GFO, 3 inch sand and gravel bed. I've included a pic of the system that was taken today. It is mixed LPS and assorted softies, I'll be adding a Hammer coral and Trumpet coral tomorrow to go along with the Frogspawn and Brain corals on the LPS side. Right now I have a Maroon clown This fish, once mature, will want to control about 50 gallons of tank space. That is going to make it difficult to find suitable tank mates
, and a Coral beauty may not be reef safe with all corals
that doesn't bother the corals at all (thank goodness) along with a cleaner shrimp and assorted clean up crew. Here is the list of what I would like to add over the next few months gradually, please feel free to contribute any and all constructive criticism, advise or opinions. Also I need to know what order if any to add the fish, if I do end up getting the purple dottyback it would go in last unless some tells me why otherwise. So here is the list.
Kole Tang 1 maroon clownfish may terrorize
6 line wrasse 2 aggressive and probably not compatible with any fairy wrasse; definitely not two of them
Yellow flanked fairy wrasse 1
Anthias 2 please make suggestions on which Anthias would work well here
Purple Dottyback 1 aggressive and will be difficult to have tank mates in this sized tank
Thank you!
I have figured out so far that the six line wrasses are probably not a good idea at all. I'm thinking a Lubbock wrasse to go along with the yellow flanked. I'm also interested in suggestions for Anthias.
Unfortunately, Jeff, I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks where one tank member can/will eat one of its tank mates. You can post your question and get lots of answers in the aggressive fish forum.
I should have seen that coming...
I will remove the lion to the 65 until I can either get my 125 up and running or can re-locate him elsewhere (he's a magnificent fish!!!)...
Your thoughts after that...
EDIT: I'm removing the Lion tomorrow - if he eats my goldflake...I'm going to eat him (magnificent or not)...