PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hey Steve,
I would just like to first thank you for all of your insight. It has been more than helpful to me the many times I have posted here.

Ok so I have a 75 gallon mixed reef:

Current Inhabitants:

1 Barletts Anthias
1 Kole Tang
3 Lyretail Anthias
2 Occ. Clowns
1 Flame Hawkfish

Would I be able to add one or two peaceful wrasses into my system later down the road? I was thinking in a month or so. I am looking for a blue fish, so maybe a Clown Wrasse (C. solorensis) or a Blue Star Leopard Wrasse (M. bipartitus)?

I also have a clam in my system, would the wrasses be peaceful towards that?
Hey Steve,
I would just like to first thank you for all of your insight. It has been more than helpful to me the many times I have posted here.

Ok so I have a 75 gallon mixed reef:

Current Inhabitants:

1 Barletts Anthias
1 Kole Tang
3 Lyretail Anthias
2 Occ. Clowns
1 Flame Hawkfish

Would I be able to add one or two peaceful wrasses into my system later down the road? I was thinking in a month or so. I am looking for a blue fish, so maybe a Clown Wrasse (C. solorensis) or a Blue Star Leopard Wrasse (M. bipartitus)?

I also have a clam in my system, would the wrasses be peaceful towards that?

If your tank is at least 9 months mature, and since you have no copepod grazer, M. bipartitus would be excellent as long as you have sand (they sleep in the sand) or provide a tupperware container of fine sand. They eat PE mysis in addition to grazing for copepods. C. solorensis would also work, but is not as interesting for some folks.
Hi Steve, I'm back again to ask for your wisdom with a few potential additions.

magnificient foxface
lyretail anthias (male/female pair)
longnose atlantic butterfly
banggai cardinal
pajama cardinal
Naoko wrasse pair (highly expensive "dream fish", currently available at LFS so might as well ask, I had to admit I was smitten with its brilliant colours :xlbirthday:)

Thanks again!

Below is my current list again just for references:

2x blue chromi
starry blenny (mistakenly ID'ed as lawnmower previously)
tomato clown (soon will be removed after recovery)
grey eyed moray eel 2'
sea urchin 6"
fire red shrimp
bunch of hermit crabs

recent additions: anemone shrimp x1, peppermint shrimp x3, CUC snails
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! I think you will be pleased with that wrasse. I am a big fan of Halichoeres wrasses keeping in mind that inverts are on the menu. Otherwise, great community fishes.

Yes, Steve, I wanted add my thanks to you...very helpful and have kept me from some really bad choices. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. :wave:
Hi Steve, I'm back again to ask for your wisdom with a few potential additions.

magnificient foxface
lyretail anthias (male/female pair)
longnose atlantic butterfly
banggai cardinal
pajama cardinal
Naoko wrasse pair (highly expensive "dream fish", currently available at LFS so might as well ask, I had to admit I was smitten with its brilliant colours :xlbirthday:)

Thanks again!

Below is my current list again just for references:

I cannot really assess with an eel in the tank. And in any case, I need tank size. I do too many of these to even begin to remember any individual tank specs. The fairy wrasse pair is on the aggressive side, FYI.
I cannot really assess with an eel in the tank. And in any case, I need tank size. I do too many of these to even begin to remember any individual tank specs. The fairy wrasse pair is on the aggressive side, FYI.

Ahh sorry about that, the tank is a standard 90g, 4' length.

For the sake of the argument, let's say I decide to get rid of the eel. :)
Ahh sorry about that, the tank is a standard 90g, 4' length.

For the sake of the argument, let's say I decide to get rid of the eel. :)

There is no "argument". I simply do not assess aggressive fish community tanks where one animal can or possibly will, eat another tank mate, and eels tend to be difficult to predict bioload as well as behavior. Best to post in the aggressive fish forum.
There is no "argument". I simply do not assess aggressive fish community tanks where one animal can or possibly will, eat another tank mate, and eels tend to be difficult to predict bioload as well as behavior. Best to post in the aggressive fish forum.

I shall sell it locally or dropping it off at the LFS ASAP. I like the guy, but I guess it'll have to go, not worth it to have it kill my other livestock.

In the meantime, as far as those previous fish go, what are your thoughts?

Thanks again :)
I shall sell it locally or dropping it off at the LFS ASAP. I like the guy, but I guess it'll have to go, not worth it to have it kill my other livestock.

In the meantime, as far as those previous fish go, what are your thoughts?

Thanks again :)

Unfortunately, since I cannot go backwards in this thread, you would need to post tank size, current occupants, and desired additions. Sorry, backwards is just not feasible.
Hi Steve,

I would greatly appreciate your opinion on compatibility for a few fish. I have an 11-month-old reef tank, 105 gallons, which currently has in it the following:
-two clownfish
-yellow tang
-purple tang
-two black cardinals
-Melanurus wrasse

Would any of the following be ok? Tank also has six narcissus snails and seven hermit crabs (as far as inverts go).

Wish list
-yellowtail damselfish
-azure damselfish
-orchid dottyback
-one spot foxface
-mandarin goby
-green clown goby

Thanks in advance! :-)
Here is the list again for your references. Thanks! :)

What I am potentially interested in:

magnificient foxface
lyretail anthias (male/female pair)
longnose atlantic butterfly
banggai cardinal
pajama cardinal
Naoko wrasse pair (highly expensive "dream fish", currently available at LFS so might as well ask, I had to admit I was smitten with its brilliant colours )

Tank size: 90g standard, 4' length

Below is my current list of livestock:

2x blue chromi
hippo tang
starry blenny (mistakenly ID'ed as lawnmower previously)
tomato clown (soon will be removed)
sea urchin 6"
fire red shrimp
bunch of hermit crabs

recent additions: anemone shrimp x1, peppermint shrimp x3, CUC snails
Hi Steve,

I would greatly appreciate your opinion on compatibility for a few fish. I have an 11-month-old reef tank, 105 gallons, which currently has in it the following:
-two clownfish what species?
-yellow tang your two existing tangs are not long term stable in this sized tank; in fact we recommend a larger tank for even keeping one
-purple tang
-two black cardinals
-Melanurus wrasse

Would any of the following be ok? Tank also has six narcissus snails and seven hermit crabs (as far as inverts go).

Wish list
-yellowtail damselfish damsel fish are aggressive and may or may not work with the existing tangs
-azure damselfish
-orchid dottyback may be ok
-one spot foxface no, your algae grazers will not allow this fish to survive
-mandarin goby not with your melanurus wrasse in this size tank
-green clown goby fine

Thanks in advance! :-)
Here is the list again for your references. Thanks! :)

What I am potentially interested in:

magnificient foxface no, needs a larger tank
lyretail anthias (male/female pair) one is fine
longnose atlantic butterfly fine but probably not shrimp safe
banggai cardinal tank raised is fine
pajama cardinal
Naoko wrasse pair (highly expensive "dream fish", currently available at LFS so might as well ask, I had to admit I was smitten with its brilliant colours ) fine, but is aggressive

Tank size: 90g standard, 4' length

Below is my current list of livestock:

2x blue chromi
hippo tang needs a much larger tank
starry blenny (mistakenly ID'ed as lawnmower previously)
tomato clown (soon will be removed)
sea urchin 6"
fire red shrimp
bunch of hermit crabs

recent additions: anemone shrimp x1, peppermint shrimp x3, CUC snails
Hi Steve!

I have a roughly 100 gallon(65 x 18 x 20) mixed reef tank. Had it for over 20 years. It has been set up this go round for 3.5 months.

2-3" live sand
125+ lbs live rock

Current live stock is a variety of easy corals(zoas, polyps, leather, etc.), a CUC, and a lawnmower blenny.

Here are the fish I am looking at:

Purple Firefish
Yellow Tang
2 - Occ. Clowns
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Royal Gramma
Orange Spotted Goby OR Yellow Watchman Goby

Thank you for looking and advice!
Hi Steve!

I have a roughly 100 gallon(65 x 18 x 20) mixed reef tank. Had it for over 20 years. It has been set up this go round for 3.5 months.

2-3" live sand
125+ lbs live rock

Current live stock is a variety of easy corals(zoas, polyps, leather, etc.), a CUC, and a lawnmower blenny.

Here are the fish I am looking at:

Purple Firefish
Yellow Tang
2 - Occ. Clowns
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Royal Gramma
Orange Spotted Goby OR Yellow Watchman Goby

Thank you for looking and advice!

Should be fine. Either goby is behaviorally similar. Introduce firefish early on
I have posted here before, but am changing my mind a lot.

Tank is a 20g nano with 10g sump w/ refugium, skimmer, ATO.
Stock includes: Firefish Goby, cleaner shrimp, 4 nassarius snails, 5 nerite snails

I still want to add 2 ocellaris clowns, with an rbta (not sure if you can yah/nah the nem for me too, currently, I'm leaning towards no from my research)

I would also like some kind of rock dwelling fish, I see them in stores a lot and they look cool; I have ~25 lbs rock

I was thinking either:
Red Spotted Goby (trimma rubromaculatus)
Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse

Both seem reef safe, but my two concerns are:

1) I want to add the clownfish next
2) Will the Gobies get along?


The clownfish are Amphiprion ocellaris.

Thanks so much for your input! This definitely helps :-) I definitely am working on a long-term relocation for those tangs.
220gallon tank, 45 gallon sump with skimmer with an attached 30 gallon refugium with chaetomorpha, 180lbs live rock. current stock 3" black tang, 4" lieutenant tang, 8" princess parrot, 2.5" flame angel, 4" starry blenny, 1.5" bicolor blenny, 1.5" yellow tail blenny, 2" midas blenny, 1" royal gramma, 3 fire gobbies, 1 purple fire goby, 1" clown, 1" blue green chromis, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 12 nassarius snails, 2 turbos, 2 cowrie tiger snails, 6 astreas, 8 hermits, 2 emeralds.

What i want to complete my list:
gold flake angel
achilles tang
mystery wrasse
mandarin goby
scooter blenny
blue jaw trigger

I fear i'd be pushing it with too many inhabitants. also fear about the tangs killing the achilles the trigger eventually growing and wanting to eat inverts or small fish. the wrasse going after small fish or inverts or the wrasse going after the mandarin and scooters food and leaving them with nothing, or the wrasse stressing out my fire gobies

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