For my new 70g how do the below sound? still cycling so not definite = just thought it best to see in advance..
1. purple/bicolour dottyback
very aggressive, will limit tank mates
2. cleaner wrasse
will probably not survive long term and may harass tank mates
3. I wanted a mini shoal of some sort... 5 x chalk basslets/anthias/cardinalfish (kauderns) ??? which ones do you think would be best?
In this sized tank, you will not be able to obtain shoaling behavior
4. baby regal tang - i know this will grow large, however my LFS sells them very small so will be around 1 inch on arrival, and when it gets big my cousin will be taking it.
I cannot ever recommend fish that cannot survive long term in the home you provide
5. diamond watchman goby or Tiger watchman goby
6. a pair of clown fish (oculars or snowflake - yet to decide)
down the line i think i want a mandarin / blenny of some sort - would this be possible also?
a mandarin will not survive in this sized tank long term
Invert wise - main one which i definitely want is a maxima clam... (i don't think this is an issue with any fish above but let me know if it is!) thanks