Thinking about adding a canary blenny.
Current stock list is:
Oscii clown
Red fire fish
LMB which is?
Good sized engineer goby.
Any problems?
possible stocking list idea....i have a 58 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump, 50 lbs live rock, skimmer, I am still cycling. I just want to get a basic idea of what i want so i can do further research.
Heres my maybe list: This would work
2 ocellaris clownfish
2 banggai cardinals need to be male plus female pair
1 lawnmower blenny wait until tank is mature
1 firefish
1 yasha goby/shrimp pair
I already have a clean up crew, tank has been cycling for 6+ weeks, no ammonia, but out break of brown diatoms and hair algae
5 turbo snails snails and hermits result in hermits killing snails
2 emerald crabs
2 halloween hermits
2 blue legged hermits
also, is there any order i should add fish in? or any certain fish first? i do not plan on adding fish for probably at least another month
I would need to know tank size and maturity.
Oh sorry. LMB = lawn mower blenny.
And it's a standard 55. Little over a month post cycle.
I suspect your tank is not mature enough for a LMB; also an engineer goby will play havoc with your aquascaping. They are a royal PITA.
algae grazers last, other wise no issues with those fish.
ive added quite a few extra shells in different sizes to hopefully help keep the hermits from killing my snails. I also to make sure theyre well fed so they dont attack each other.
would it be possible to add a citron goby to my list?
I have a 37 gallon tank with two clowns and two blue green chromis. Looking to add one cardinal fish. Will he get along with others?
Hi steve,
3 month old 100 gallon tank, total water volume 130 gallon,
Very small anemone which came with the rock (pale colored BTA)
Hermit crabs - 2 nos.
Dartfish - 1no. ptereleotris genus
Yellow wrasse - 1no. (Halichoeres leucoxanthus)
1" juvenile clarkii clown - 1no. (Amphiprion clarkii)
2" smoke angel - 1no.(Apolemichtys Xanthurus)
Lyre tail anthia - 1no. (pseudanthias squamipinnis)
Yellow tail blue damsel - 1 no.*
Recently added
1 no. arabian cowry
1 no. Sand goby
Can i add
Blue streak cleaner wrasse (if yes how many) One, but they rararely survive; also, they do noting for parasite control
Schooling bannerfish (if yes how many) they need a larger tank
Thanks in advance
17.5gal 24x14x13 with 10gal sump
Proposed stocking:
A. ocellaris - Pair
Ecsenius stigmatura (tail spot blenny)
Stonogobiops nematodes (hi fin red banded goby)
Wetmorella albofasciata (white stripe possum wrasse) or Pseudocheilinus hexataenia(6 line wrasse) With e 6 line being the preferred choice.
Thanks steve then I will skip both.
I am having one smoke angel, I was thinking of adding one more fish similar in form, so that there is some activity in the middle of the tank.
Can I add a juvenile tang or another angel.
Thank you,
Thanks Steve,A pair of clownfish is more than your tank can handle long term. If you do not do those, the next three fish would work, but a six line wrasse would preclude any of the three.
Thanks Steve,
Any suggestions for an alternative to the clowns? A single clown or perhaps an orchid dottyback (Pseudochromis fridimani) ?