PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I'm seeing a huge disparity in opinion regarding these particular shrimp. Some say they are great for beginners and others say they wish they never got them. Can anyone offer me a basic list of pros and cons and/or suggest a "better" variety of shrimp?

this thread is only about marine fish compatibility so this type of question is not one I normally answer here. However, since you are new ... the disparity of answers may come from the fact that some LFS sell camel shrimp as peppermint shrimp and those are not coral safe. Some of the knocks about shrimp in general come from the fact that people who feed LPS corals find that shrimp steal food from the coral. That is easily remedied with a tupperware (or equivalent brand) dome with holes drilled for water circulation that protects eating corals from theft due to shrimp stealing food. Peppermint shrimp (true ones not camel shrimp) are also known to eat aiptasia which is one of the pests most despised by aquarists. I personally keep cleaner shrimp pairs in my tanks. Good scavengers, and more visible than peppermints which hide.
I have a Diamond spotted goby, a Javanese Damsel, a Pink Smith Damsel, a Maroon Clownfish, a cleaner shrimp, and a green Bubble Tip Anemone.

Put my first 3 corals in this week and im excited to see where they go, A Green Hammer Coral, a Christmas Favia and a Purple People Eater polyp.

Im thinking 1 maayyyyyybe 2 more fish at most trynna decide what i would put in there. any ideas are welcome
I have a Diamond spotted goby, a Javanese Damsel, a Pink Smith Damsel, a Maroon Clownfish, a cleaner shrimp, and a green Bubble Tip Anemone.

Put my first 3 corals in this week and im excited to see where they go, A Green Hammer Coral, a Christmas Favia and a Purple People Eater polyp.

Im thinking 1 maayyyyyybe 2 more fish at most trynna decide what i would put in there. any ideas are welcome

You have three aggressive fish already. What tank size? Tank age?
Newbie, thoughts on additions...

Newbie, thoughts on additions...

New here & to the hobby - thx much for a GREAT site! I have a VERY similar crowd to what shesacharmer proposed just a few posts ago, btw, so that was a helpful coinkydink...

60g peaceful FOWLR, ~20 (?) lbs Pukani dry rock, 2" live sand, Penguin 200 + 350 + 3 heaters (yeah, I like overkill - oops, shouldn't say "kill" !;-), setup & cycled 5-6 mo's, very stable params.

Already have: 2 Ocel. clowns (they seem mated), pistol/antenna-goby pair, 1 Banggai, 1 Halloween hermit, and 1 chromis. (There were 3, but apparently they DO do the Highlander thing: "there can be only one!" :uzi: ;-).

Tank's been very stable for a couple of months at least - good params - but I know I'm still a newbie and that 'nothing good happens fast', so I'm still cautious about changes, or spending lots on livestock.

So: I'd like to add a few more, up to bioload (and I understand now it's more about elbow-room than chemistry, right?), and my priorities are: compatible, cheap, colorful, and commonly-available (hey, 4 C's!) @ LFS's (mine's pretty good).

Thinking of 2 yellowtail damsels. I'd add 2-3 chromis' back but worry they'd just cull 'emselves down again. I like the Banggai (my only recent addition) and thinking of another. I'd also like a bit more CUC - interested in a seastar but worried about sensitivity - nervous about snails (I like bumblebees for, again, colorfulness) with the hermie, know nothing about other non-hermit crabs, or adding other shrimp. I like a McCosker's or a Pajama -- but don't want to shell out for $30-50 fishies or add things willy-nilly until I feel a little more experienced. ("And all the experts said hallelujah!")

Would LOVE sugg'ns: what to get, and thoughts on remaining available bioload/space.
New here & to the hobby - thx much for a GREAT site! I have a VERY similar crowd to what shesacharmer proposed just a few posts ago, btw, so that was a helpful coinkydink...

but that tank was larger . . .

60g peaceful FOWLR, ~20 (?) lbs Pukani dry rock, 2" live sand, Penguin 200 + 350 + 3 heaters (yeah, I like overkill - oops, shouldn't say "kill" !;-), setup & cycled 5-6 mo's, very stable params.

Already have: 2 Ocel. clowns (they seem mated), pistol/antenna-goby pair, 1 Banggai, 1 Halloween hermit hermits kill snails. Large hermits are not fish safe , and 1 chromis. (There were 3, but apparently they DO do the Highlander thing: "there can be only one!" :uzi: ;-).

Tank's been very stable for a couple of months at least - good params - but I know I'm still a newbie and that 'nothing good happens fast', so I'm still cautious about changes, or spending lots on livestock.

So: I'd like to add a few more, up to bioload (and I understand now it's more about elbow-room than chemistry, right?), and my priorities are: compatible, cheap, colorful, and commonly-available (hey, 4 C's!) @ LFS's (mine's pretty good).

Thinking of 2 yellowtail damsels. aggressive, would limit tank mates

I'd add 2-3 chromis' back but worry they'd just cull 'emselves down again. they would

I like the Banggai (my only recent addition) and thinking of another. I'd also like a bit more CUC - interested in a seastar but worried about sensitivity - nervous about snails (I like bumblebees for, again, colorfulness) with the hermie, know nothing about crabs or adding other shrimp. I like a McCosker's or a Pajama -- but don't want to shell out for $30-50 fishies until I feel a little more experienced. ("And all the experts said hallelujah, finally!")

Would LOVE sugg'ns: what to get, and thoughts on remaining available bioload/space.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to review stocking list for behavioral compatibility with each other and the environment you are providing.
With the fish you have currently, it will be difficult to add additional fish due to their aggressiveness.

the pink smith aint so bad...its the Javanese damsel that is pretty feisty. you don't think if i get something of similar aggression but a little bigger would be ok?

the maroon clown is my newest addition, he is kinda shy & he just discovered the anemone last night
the pink smith aint so bad...its the Javanese damsel that is pretty feisty. you don't think if i get something of similar aggression but a little bigger would be ok?

the one which will be the worst is the maroon clownfish. I do not advocate adding more aggressive fish to a tank to compensate for the aggressive fish already there. Eventually, there will be a loser.
the one which will be the worst is the maroon clownfish. I do not advocate adding more aggressive fish to a tank to compensate for the aggressive fish already there. Eventually, there will be a loser.

i figured you were gonna say that...i edited my post but i dunno if you saw it... the maroon is the newest addition. been here for about 2 weeks now and so far has been shy & submissive towards the others
My new 75g

My new 75g

Hi Snorvich,

I'll be setting up a standard sized 75g mixed reef at the end of summer. I plan on starting with easier corals and an Anemone, but i'm getting the Kessils so I have the options to do more demanding corals in the future. Here is the setup I'll be running

75g tank; LifeReef 600gph overflow, Mag 9.5 return pump, FluidDesigners 30g sump with refugium, Reef Octopus NWB150 skimmer, 2 Kessil A360s (i think, and assuming they don't announce a new line at MACNA), screen top to avoid jumpers. ATO system. 2 Hydor Koralia 750s (have other pumps to increase this, if need be, although i'd like to keep the surface agitation on the lower side so i don't get too much shimmer from the Kessils.

Fish: I'd like to add the top 3, but i'm guessing i'll have to drop at least one of them (i'd drop the flame first, if needed, since it sounds like i'm 50/50 about him eating my corals, anyway). I also enjoy the fish more than corals, so I'd rather sacrifice the corals that need super clean water for another fish or 2.

Kole Tang
One Spot Foxface
Flame Angel
2 Clowns (Occelaris or some black Percula) and their Anemone (A Colorado Sunburst is my plan)
Mandarin (I'll wait the 6 months or however long it takes for Pods to establish)
Midas Blenny
Mccoskers Flasher Wrasse (1 male? or perhaps 1 male and 2 females? I'm thinking only 1 might be a way to keep the total numbers down, also would consider swapping him for an Orange & Black Fairy Wrasse)
Goby and his associated pistol shrimp. (I was thinking Yellow Watchman, but i'd like a personable one that lives with a shrimp, i'm open to suggestions as i hear the Yellow WMs are hit or miss as far as being shy goes)
Flame Hawk (on the fence with this guy, as i don't want him to eat my clean up crew, but i love how personable they are, this is actually one of the fish that initially got me excited to switch to saltwater)
Lawnmower Blenny (I hear they're very personable, but is that too many herbivores? and will he be alright with the Midas?)

CUC - I'll probably do a couple peppermint shrimps and maybe a Fire Shrimp? Also some snails in there.

So, thoughts? Is that too many fish? And as I said, if 3 larger fish is too much, i'm ok with dropping the angel.

Thanks in advance! Much appreciated!

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to review stocking list for behavioral compatibility with each other and the environment you are providing.

(sorry, for some reason couldn't quote the rest of the OP with your replies)

Ah - good to know! (Believe me, I'd've liked to've parsed through the thread first, but w/ 420 screens of posts in this forum...:headwally:) Anyhow, I fully understand at least some of that variety of reasons. Now that I think about it: stupid question. "Gee, there are a few (and then some) hundred varieties of fish plus all the other factors for a few grazillion possible combinations: tell me what fish to get!"

(And if it goes wrong and someone loses $5k of stock because, to take an extreme example, you said "add a colorful shrimp" and he thought a peacock mantis fit the bill, oh and it caused extreme water damage when his glass tank was smashed, and he blames you unfairly ... OK, a little extreme example, but, yeah: doesn't make sense for you to send people shopping lists and hope it all works out... >;-)

Thanks for the tips, though: I knew about hermies eating snails, so I guess that'll be an either/or. And thanks for confirming that chromis' winnow themselves down; I'll skip that. I'll see how the yellowtails do with the others and how much space they defend -- just got 2 plus one more Banggai.

So, for CUC: I'm thinking of a seastar, would that work? (I can always move the hermie to the QT I'm now setting up, if he's a serious limitation to CUC options.) I'm also thinking about other crabs for CUC (like a lightfoot, or something not looking for a new home to kill for). And a new shrimp or two (haven't settled on the type, but like peppermint, or preferably something that'll stay a little visible). And I just got a really good offer for a Pajama, would that work with the others?

Thanks hugely - your knowledge is exceeded only by your generosity.:beer:
hey guys, i have an algae problem also, except i have like.. green algae growing on the surface of my liverock, and i want it to stop before it gets out of hand, also i have alot of brown algae all over, i water changed last night and scrubbed the walls clean, and today ... more brown algae.. will the "algae blenny" aka lawnmower blenny take care of this? Please help, this algae is making the tank look bad. (20 gallon tank). also i have four fish in there, they are one nemo clown fish, 1 blue spot puffer, 1 azure damsel, and 1 purple dottyback. heres my concern, will the dottyback and the blenny get along? if not i can easily take the dottyback back to the LFS. since hes a bit mean to my damsel.

I mentioned in another of your threads that that's too overstocked (w/ potentially aggressive fish) for a tank that is barely 1 1/2 months old. The brown algae sounds like a diatom bloom which would indicate tank is still cycling, or overfeeding, or both. Did you use tap water to set up the tank or do water changes?
The dottyback & damsel are 2 of the biggest bullies out there; you might consider re-homing them, or returning them for store credit if possible. Wait a few more weeks before getting the blennie, but bump up your CUC after doing a few more water changes.
Hi Snorvich,

I'll be setting up a standard sized 75g mixed reef at the end of summer. I plan on starting with easier corals and an Anemone, but i'm getting the Kessils so I have the options to do more demanding corals in the future. Here is the setup I'll be running

75g tank; LifeReef 600gph overflow, Mag 9.5 return pump, FluidDesigners 30g sump with refugium, Reef Octopus NWB150 skimmer, 2 Kessil A360s (i think, and assuming they don't announce a new line at MACNA), screen top to avoid jumpers. ATO system. 2 Hydor Koralia 750s (have other pumps to increase this, if need be, although i'd like to keep the surface agitation on the lower side so i don't get too much shimmer from the Kessils.

Fish: I'd like to add the top 3, but i'm guessing i'll have to drop at least one of them (i'd drop the flame first, if needed, since it sounds like i'm 50/50 about him eating my corals, anyway). I also enjoy the fish more than corals, so I'd rather sacrifice the corals that need super clean water for another fish or 2.

Kole Tang
One Spot Foxface
Flame Angel
2 Clowns (Occelaris or some black Percula) and their Anemone (A Colorado Sunburst is my plan)
Mandarin (I'll wait the 6 months or however long it takes for Pods to establish)
Midas Blenny can nip fins of planktivores
Mccoskers Flasher Wrasse (1 male? or perhaps 1 male and 2 females? I'm thinking only 1 might be a way to keep the total numbers down, also would consider swapping him for an Orange & Black Fairy Wrasse) stick with the flasher wrasse, you will like one or a pair much better
Goby and his associated pistol shrimp. (I was thinking Yellow Watchman, but i'd like a personable one that lives with a shrimp, i'm open to suggestions as i hear the Yellow WMs are hit or miss as far as being shy goes)
Flame Hawk (on the fence with this guy, as i don't want him to eat my clean up crew, but i love how personable they are, this is actually one of the fish that initially got me excited to switch to saltwater) not shrimp safe, but a great fish
Lawnmower Blenny (I hear they're very personable, but is that too many herbivores? and will he be alright with the Midas?) too many herbivores

CUC - I'll probably do a couple peppermint shrimps and maybe a Fire Shrimp? Also some snails in there. no shrimp if you have the red flame hawkfish

So, thoughts? Is that too many fish? And as I said, if 3 larger fish is too much, i'm ok with dropping the angel.

Thanks in advance! Much appreciated!

My apologies, Snorvich. I didn't know it was a no no, & it wasn't my intention to step on toes. Thanks for all your knowledge over the years on Reef Central.
My apologies, Snorvich. I didn't know it was a no no, & it wasn't my intention to step on toes. Thanks for all your knowledge over the years on Reef Central.

No problem and thanks. We do it this way for the sake of consistent answers and to keep things on track with the marine fish compatibility subject matter. Unless we limit it, this thread becomes a catch all for all sorts of questions. If people want general population answers, we encourage a separate thread in Reef Fish (or other appropriate forum). That for sure will get a variety of answers.
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