PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hi all, wanted to check a stocking list before starting to get new fish for my 90 Gallon. Also, not really sure what order to make the purchases. Of course will do the stocking over time.

- pair occ clowns
- purple tang (I've heard, other than to mini and kore, this does well in 90)
- dwarf lion (just considering not sure about this one)
- 2-3 anthias (thinking bartlett's since lyrtail does better in a larger tank)
- fairy wrasse (not sure about which is a good one)

Clearly I'm concerned somewhat about the dwarf limo and if it will work in here. Please let me know.
Hi all, wanted to check a stocking list before starting to get new fish for my 90 Gallon. Also, not really sure what order to make the purchases. Of course will do the stocking over time.

- pair occ clowns
- purple tang (I've heard, other than to mini and kore, this does well in 90)
- dwarf lion (just considering not sure about this one)
- 2-3 anthias (thinking bartlett's since lyrtail does better in a larger tank)
- fairy wrasse (not sure about which is a good one)

Clearly I'm concerned somewhat about the dwarf limo and if it will work in here. Please let me know.

I do not do analysis of community tanks which contain predators. Questions can be addressed in our aggressive fish forum .
Looking to add two more

Looking to add two more

I've got a 165 gal FOWLR (6 x 2 x almost 2) running for 18 months. Fish are
1 Flame Angel
1 Coral Beauty Angel
1 One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish
3 Chromis
2 Blue Damsels
1 Pakistan Butterfly
1 Heniochus Butterfly
1 Blue Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Royal Gramma
2 Flame Hawkfish

I'm looking to add a Kole Tang, an Orange Diamond Watchman Goby, and calling it stocked for now. How does my current mix look to you and what do you think about the two I would like to add? Thanks in advance for your reply.
I've got a 165 gal FOWLR (6 x 2 x almost 2) running for 18 months. Fish are
1 Flame Angel
1 Coral Beauty Angel
1 One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish
3 Chromis
2 Blue Damsels
1 Pakistan Butterfly
1 Heniochus Butterfly
1 Blue Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Royal Gramma
2 Flame Hawkfish

I'm looking to add a Kole Tang, an Orange Diamond Watchman Goby, and calling it stocked for now. How does my current mix look to you and what do you think about the two I would like to add? Thanks in advance for your reply.

In a six foot tank, you have more algae grazers than I would choose to have. An established yellow tang is unlikely to allow any tang to be introduced, especially in this length tank. If by blue tang, you mean P. hepatus, that fish will need a longer (larger tank). The watchman goby should do fine.
40gal breeder. 40lbs liverock. Barebottom but will be sand. 20gal tall sump with reef octopus nwb110 4" skimmer, 5 gallon chamber for chaeto. One 850gph koralia powerhead. 3 blue legged hermits 3 trochus snails. 1 astrea snail

Here are the fish ive had for about 1 week now. Green clown goby, barnacle blenny, and two oscellaris clowns male and female i think. They all seem to be fine as the clowns are the most active and the other two are somewhat cryptic.

I want another fish that is either a wrasse or a sand sifter goby. Whats a good cruiser fish to add? Also want nassarius snails.
40gal breeder. 40lbs liverock. Barebottom but will be sand. 20gal tall sump with reef octopus nwb110 4" skimmer, 5 gallon chamber for chaeto. One 850gph koralia powerhead. 3 blue legged hermits 3 trochus snails. 1 astrea snail

Here are the fish ive had for about 1 week now. Green clown goby, barnacle blenny, and two oscellaris clowns male and female i think. They all seem to be fine as the clowns are the most active and the other two are somewhat cryptic.

I want another fish that is either a wrasse or a sand sifter goby. Whats a good cruiser fish to add? Also want nassarius snails.

That stocking list should be fine. In that sized tank, the best wrasse is one of the three species of possum wrasse.
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, P. hepatus, my wife's favorite fish, about 4" at the present time. The Yellow Tang has only been in there a couple of weeks and is < 3". Still, would you pass on the Kole? Not much algae to graze on. Rocks are covered with purple coralline and not much else.
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, P. hepatus, my wife's favorite fish, about 4" at the present time. The Yellow Tang has only been in there a couple of weeks and is < 3". Still, would you pass on the Kole? Not much algae to graze on. Rocks are covered with purple coralline and not much else.

I would definitely not add any additional tang or other algae grazer. P. hepatus grows rather rapidly to over a foot.
Please review My Profile. I am going to add my first fish: Five blue/green chromis; one high fin red banded gobi, two spotted cardinal fish/pajama. All water parameters are as they should be.

In 30 days I want to add these tangs: one sailfin desjardini; one yellow eye kole tang/strigosus; and one bristle tooth c. binotatus/two-spot bristle tooth.

My question is: Are these tangs compatible with each other, and should they be added in a particular order or all together? They will be in quarantine for 30 days. Thanks in advance for your help.

Please review My Profile. I am going to add my first fish: Five blue/green chromis; one high fin red banded gobi, two spotted cardinal fish/pajama. All water parameters are as they should be.

Careful with the chromis as they are highly susceptible to uronema marinum. Also, they most likely will reduce their number to one over time.

In 30 days I want to add these tangs: one sailfin desjardini; one yellow eye kole tang/strigosus; and one bristle tooth c. binotatus/two-spot bristle tooth.

I am assuming the 180 gallon tank? If so, two Ctenochaetus tangs is long term stable, three tangs maybe not in a six foot tank. The Ctenochaetus tangs, if added concurrently should be fine. The desjardini really needs a longer tank especially if housed with other tangs.

My question is: Are these tangs compatible with each other, and should they be added in a particular order or all together? They will be in quarantine for 30 days. Thanks in advance for your help.

should I use the same caution with the 5 blue reef chromis (chromis cyaneus). Instead of the blue/green chromis?

One last question. On my wish list for the future is a Blue Throat Triggerfish. Would it fit in my mix? If not, which ones would need to go?
40gal breeder. 40lbs liverock. Barebottom but will be sand. 20gal tall sump with reef octopus nwb110 4" skimmer, 5 gallon chamber for chaeto. One 850gph koralia powerhead. 3 blue legged hermits 3 trochus snails. 1 astrea snail

Here are the fish ive had for about 1 week now. Green clown goby, barnacle blenny, and two oscellaris clowns male and female i think. They all seem to be fine as the clowns are the most active and the other two are somewhat cryptic.

I want another fish that is either a wrasse or a sand sifter goby. Whats a good cruiser fish to add? Also want nassarius snails.

Is there any other wrasse that looks better? I feel like the possum wrasse is kinda bland colored. Ive had my eye on flasher, adorned, and 6 line wrasses. Will any of those work or do you know any(wrasse or non wrasse) that fit my description
Newbie here - Stock Advice

Newbie here - Stock Advice

I have a 60 gal - 48 inch * 20 inch * 18 inch , bak pak 2R + protein skimmer rated to 75 gallons, of course powerheads and LED lighting ( Current USA Orbit Marine LED Saltwater Reef Lighting System )

Putting together my stock list and was advised to come here for suggestion.

I would like 5 or 6 fish a anemone and some soft corals.

Also easy going fish. I am new and dont want to kill anything due to lack of experience.
Ive already had to nix the Tang ( no matter how much I want one ) as I was told my tank is too small even for a small Tang.

Here is my list of what I like and any input good or bad is appreciated.

bubble tip anemone
brain corals

percula clownfish
coral beauty
dwarf basslets
Shrimp ( suggestions? )

hermit crabs?
One last question. On my wish list for the future is a Blue Throat Triggerfish. Would it fit in my mix? If not, which ones would need to go?

I do not think I can accurately predict that. You don't have a long tank and you have a fair number of largish fish that are somewhat territorial.
Is there any other wrasse that looks better? I feel like the possum wrasse is kinda bland colored. Ive had my eye on flasher, adorned, and 6 line wrasses. Will any of those work or do you know any(wrasse or non wrasse) that fit my description

Sorry, you have a small tank and those fish would not really fit in behaviorally.
I have a 60 gal - 48 inch * 20 inch * 18 inch , bak pak 2R + protein skimmer rated to 75 gallons, of course powerheads and LED lighting ( Current USA Orbit Marine LED Saltwater Reef Lighting System )

Putting together my stock list and was advised to come here for suggestion.

I would like 5 or 6 fish a anemone and some soft corals.

Also easy going fish. I am new and dont want to kill anything due to lack of experience.
Ive already had to nix the Tang ( no matter how much I want one ) as I was told my tank is too small even for a small Tang.

Here is my list of what I like and any input good or bad is appreciated.

bubble tip anemone
brain corals

percula clownfish
coral beauty
dwarf basslets
Shrimp ( suggestions? )

that stocking list should be fine, but I would need to know which basslet for greater certainty.

snails snails or crabs but not both
hermit crabs?
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