Please help with my 180g Fish List


Premium Member
180g Tank, with a beckett skimmer rated for twice the volume I have. I wet skim and have a fairly large cleanup crew.

My Current Fishlist:

1x Magnificent Foxface
1x Dragon Goby (aka. Barred Goby)
1x Green Clown Goby
1x Filamentious Flasher Wrasse
1x Lawnmower Blenny
1x Psychedelic Mandarin
1x Atlantic Blue Tang (Juvenile)
1x Red Sea Sailfin Tang (Juvenile)
4x Bartlett's Anthias

Is it Insane to add these?

3x Bartlett's Anthias
1x Purple Tang (Juvenile)
1x Blue Throat Trigger (Juvenile)
I have a tang and gobies and a wrasse etc in a 110 and I added a couple purple firefish. I was extremely pleased as they swim and act differently than all my other fish.
Purple Tang and a trigger get large but you might consider going with a couple small fish that act totally different than what you have at present and then live life on the edge and try the purple tang. FWIW I don't think your list is insane but thats just mho.
Sailfin Tang & Purple Tang might not get along. But if your getting a bigger tank so you can have more fish, go for it!
I've considered firefish but the fact that they jump has turned me off. (same with the Fairy Wrasses) I like your suggestion however.

The purple tang I'm thinking of is 2" and my other tangs are 3.5" or so. This should calm the purple down, as I've read they can be fairly aggressive. My 2 current tangs took about a month to get along, and now they're fine.