Please identify this clam


New member
Well here's the story, I came home from work yesterday and noticed my lights were off and started to freak, then out came my girlfriend telling me to calm down that she shut them off to add a clam. There it was floating in my tank in the bag, it had only been in there for 10-15min so took my time and acclimated it but she cant remember the name other than she thinks it started with a P. Any Ideas, all are welcome.

Well, the only one I know of that begins with a P. would be Hippopus porcellanus. It is rare and I am pretty sure that this is not one. Porcellanus has no overhanging siphonal mantle and this one looks like it does.

It's kind of hard to tell from this picture. Can you provide one of the shell and maybe one with the syphons in more detail. Could be a Tridacna crocea, maxima, or maybe even a derasa. Don't think it's a squamosa and the easy way to eliminate that one is by looking at the siphonal opening and seeing if there is a ring of tentacles surrounding the opening. More than likely not in this case.

If you can't post any more pics' than describe the shell in better detail. Is it mostly smooth or are there scales from the bottom to the top?
there are scales on the sides.I dont see any tenticales around the siphon. But then again I only have 1 eye.haha

Thanks for the response Mako.
Could be Tridacna maxima (with pronounced scutes), or Tridacna crocea (less prominant scutes). Difficult to tell with the provided picture.
i'd bet its a maxima...but could be a crocea too. is she sure it started with a "p" and not a "t". if "p" it may just be the name of the area collected, my LFS will call them by their collection or farmied areas if they know them, ex. Pohnpei maximas.
btw, nice clam
Just showed her your post and that is what she saw on the tag. Thanks for the id. Any that I should know about it. all help is welcome.
Looks like a Maxima

Looks like a Maxima

I have one that has that same color patern and looks like the smae color by the picture. Mine is a Maxima. I have had it for several months and it is my favorite clam. It is about 7 to 8 inches.
they are found naturally on rockwork, but if your lighting is strong enough you can put it on the sand.

what size is your tank? and what kind of lighting do you have? and how far away from the lights is the clam placed?
smokin, it is a 46g w/ dual 400wHQI 20k bulbs. The lights are suspended 12" from surface of water and tank is 18"deep. I know maybe a little overkill but will be upgrading to larger tank soon.