Please show pics of your 180 tanks

april i wouldn't count to much on the 6 line eating any of the small starfish. they are more than likely pass them over for something else. now if there was nothing else in the tank but the starfish the 6 line might eat them
In have pulled out 13 of the little critters, the have killed off all of the clams and the scappol and 1 of the yellow leathers. It has cost a fortune . They do it at night, The clams were all happy and opened up all of the time, the next morning they were gone,and the hermits finished them off. One at a time, At first I thought it might have been the lack of sufficient lighting, But they would have shown gradual signs of dying. But they were not.

So the wrass is not a good idea huh?
its worth a try. just don't put all your hopes in them. still try to pull out all the starfish by hand. worst case pull out some of the rock little by little and check the rock out real good. i also believe some of the other larger starfish will eat the small starfish
is it one of these guys?

Those little star fish are annoying, i have a million of them in my tank, i am gonna buy a harlequin shrimp to take care of them all.
Julio. are the harlequin shrimp safe with the rest of the corals and clams? Do thety really eat them?

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Well, poop, I just pulled 2 more off the glass, I turned down the lights and they start appearing

Julio, have they killed anything in your tank? watch anything in shells, I have a pile of snail shells in the corner of the tank, looks like a morgue.

Yes chad those are the nasty little critters, 3 small legs and 3 long legs! That is one of them
I just posted an ID request to DR. Ron, we'll see what they are and what they do,maybe even find out how to get rid of them. I'll keep you posted.
Ok, you asked for it. Again, nothing special but here goes. You can see there are now three SPS in there, including a cool little $5 frag I got today at Coral Oasis:





Like I said before, I still need more rock.
Ok, Greenbean answered with this remark on the starfish.

(They are Asterina stars. They are common hitchhikers that reproduce by splitting. For the most part they are harmless, but a few have been known to eat corals. I've never heard of them attacking clams, and I doubt they would.)

I also posted a pic of a star and an unknown snail thar are very abundant in the tan too, they both appeared about the same time. I will let you know about that too!

Yeaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Jarhed, It looks FANTASTIC!!! Dont you just hate it when I brow beat you into oics?? I knew you would just have to show us! Thanks for the update. Sorry I keep picking on you so much! And we knew you wanted to get more rock, but it is great to see the step by step growth of the tank, I really does look great though.
Jarhead, pop you in a leaf of Romaine and or Red leaf lettuce, the tang will love it. Just rinse it off really well first.

I have a hard time getting a pic of either of the dragon gobies, but this one came out pretty good, they are sand sifters and they really can mound up the sand!


And this is a pic of one of the stars and the unknown snails at the base of my Toad Stool.

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April540 said:
Jarhead, pop you in a leaf of Romaine and or Red leaf lettuce, the tang will love it. Just rinse it off really well first.

Yeah, I need to go get some. I have some of that prepackaged dry green algae sheet from the LFS in there now.
I have 5 of them that will consume 4-5 large leaves in 4-5 hours, they go crazy, and the Hippo Tangs get ick pretty easy, if you notice it, or even better, when you feed your frozen food, thaw it out with about 3 or 4 drops of garlic oil. That will keep ick off of the fish.
Yeah, thats one thing about those Hippos (Pacific Blues) that I dont like. They are notorious carriers of ick. This one is a replacement for two babies that I bought a week or so ago. They both died. One before I got it home, the other the next day in QT. So, I got a free replacement of an adult (Not doing babies ANY MORE!!).
I use the Krogers brand Garlic capsuls, I got rid of the ick that started on mine, and havent had a problem since, If your going to get a yellow Tang, do yourself a favor and get him last, or at leastm last as far as the larger fish go. They are more aggressive, and will stress out the others. It's best to drop them in all at the same time and let them find there little hidaways at the same time, But now they swim in a little pack, and even hude away in the same placws. But OMG they were awful when I introduced a couple of them seperatly.

Jarhed, this one you got looks very good and very healthy, Glad they gave you a replacement, and I understand about the babies, unless they are truley tank raise, you may as well forget it unless you arre putting them into a tank that is at least t year old that can get enough of the pods to keep them alive while you are switching them over to the frozen foods and the flakes.

And the garlic oil is great too.for fish that are not eating, , they are like little paranas when you put it in, (Also great to Fish with, use it in dough ball) you'll catch fish all day!

Sorry about the rambling!
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April540 said:
And the garlic oil is great too.for fish that are not eating, , they are like little paranas when you put it in, (Also great to Fish with, use it in dough ball) you'll catch fish all day!

Sorry about the rambling! [/B]

Yep, my plan is to get about three yellow tangs to add, but they are not ready yet on my schedule. I have another few months before they can go in.

True on the Garlic. I've pretty much always used it. It was one of the first tips I picked up on RC over a year ago. Used to fish with it in Pennsylvania and you'd be amazed at the size of the monsters I pulled out of the water! :eek:
I'm gonna have to try that garlic tip with my baby Naso. He was doing great at first but has begun to thin out now about a month after I bought him. Not sure if it is because he is running out of his favorite algae or because of parasites. He generally looks pretty clean.