I use the Krogers brand Garlic capsuls, I got rid of the ick that started on mine, and havent had a problem since, If your going to get a yellow Tang, do yourself a favor and get him last, or at leastm last as far as the larger fish go. They are more aggressive, and will stress out the others. It's best to drop them in all at the same time and let them find there little hidaways at the same time, But now they swim in a little pack, and even hude away in the same placws. But OMG they were awful when I introduced a couple of them seperatly.
Jarhed, this one you got looks very good and very healthy, Glad they gave you a replacement, and I understand about the babies, unless they are truley tank raise, you may as well forget it unless you arre putting them into a tank that is at least t year old that can get enough of the pods to keep them alive while you are switching them over to the frozen foods and the flakes.
And the garlic oil is great too.for fish that are not eating, , they are like little paranas when you put it in, (Also great to Fish with, use it in dough ball) you'll catch fish all day!
Sorry about the rambling!