Please show pics of your 180 tanks

the snail you have a pic of is a sundial snail. also a bad hitch hicker. they are known to eat zoo's. i had a few of them also until i pulled them all out and through them in the sump.
that gobie you have a pic of lookes like a browards sand sifting gobie not a dragon. i had one that was 6" long and he made a mess of the tank. i had a hard time getting him to eat. he was so shy that when the other fish went into a feeding freenzy he would hide and miss out on the food. he died about a month after i had him.


This is what you are looking for, you dont want anymoe additives than you see here, it is completely safe in the reef,

cedliss, please get you some and a head or red leaf lettuce or romaine lettuce, he will fill out really fast. youll be suprised how he will gulp down the frozen stuff with a few drops of the oil. stinks like heck, I think you can get 8 drops from each caplet, if you only have a fish or two then use 2-3 drops. I feed 2 or 3 little cubes and use 4 drops. Let me know, I hope you get the results I have, and many others too. You dont want to wait much longer, the longer they arent eating the harder it is to get them back healthy. the healthier they are the greater chance of them fighting off illness.

And jarhed, I used that when I fished, they think I am THE fisherman. Although I havent gotten to fish for a very long time.

chad508, When I bought the gobies, they sold them as Dragon gobies, when I aked them why I could only find freshwater dragon gobies, they said that that was how they were ordered. I dont like to argue, Thanks for the ID, they are total pigs too, never have trouble with the fish eating at all. I just wish I would have know all along that you could use the garlic in the marine tanks though, I just have used this since I set up the 180, but it save me loosing 400.00 in fish when the Hippo was covered with ich. was gone over night. I was truley amazed.
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The frozen food I use is squid,mysis shrimp,and Emerald Entry, and cyclop-eeze. I only use the cyclop-eeze a couple times a week. it doesnt take much of that at all.
jarhed, did you already get your clean up crew for the new tank? and did I thank you for posting? I promise to quit picking on you, but sometimes it's just tooooo tempting to do it. lol
Hey guys, I was just flipping through this thread, on page 4, Celliss had just moved his tank on the new carpet,Mike and jarhed just purchaced the tanks, this was in April.On page 5 Jason had just switched his tank over. Look how far you all have come in the past 4 months. I cant wait to see where everyone will be in the next 4. Great job everyone!!!

Havent seen Jason on here for a while, I hope he pops in to update, along with alot of the others that we had in here.Kevin, he hasnt been in for a while either.

Qdoggie: popped in last month, but didn't post a pic of the tank. His tank is really awsome too
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Well the tank is up and running now (some what) I still need to buy some things to keep the 180 FOWLR going. The new additions are: 55lbs of base rock from reef rock and a blue damsel :D The next thing im looking to get is a RO/DI machine but not really sure what one to get. Just thought I'd post a quick picture to this thread, you all have really nice looking tanks.
642642 look at the ones on ebay, i got a 6 stage 100gpd unit with faucet and storage tank for 100 bucks brand new. just remember that no matter what you get all of them use the same filter elements, so no one unit will filter better than the rest.
welcome 642642, if you have paged through the thread, you already have more than what some started in here with, we have watched empty tanks fill with beauitful life. Yours is really beautiful too ! It only gets better from here on out. You need to keep us up with all the new life you add, It has been alot of fun and very educational. Good luck to you! :D :D

Oh! And you may need a second job too! :rollface: :rollface:

Good morning everyone!
Just took this pic, I got 2 more pieces of live rock Thursday,and a Serpannt Star. I saw a little crab in it yesterday, but I havent seen him today. I'm hoping he isnt a Gorilla baby.
Well today i order the rest of my equipment for the tank, cant wait untill i have it all set up. What I orderd was a ASM G4x skimmer w/ valve mod kit, a 4 stage RO/DI machine, two tunze 6000's w/ multi controller and a MAG12 that is going to be the return pump from the sump. Now I need to melev's site on setting up a sump without flooding the living room.

April540- Is that your skimmer hanging on the left hand corner of the tank?
Just thought I would share this with you all, this is the same pic as above, but I blacked out all of the background, I just thought it was cool!

642642, I am going to get an ASM-G3, (hopefully) how much did they want to ship yours? I say you put yourself out a penny or two this week end ! LOL It will be worth it in the long run, just do yourself a favor and buy what you want, if you settle for less, you will just end up buying it anyway, it will save you loads in the end.
Ya I know whatcha mean, I just got tired of going back and forth about spending so much on certain things. So i said to heck with it and got it. For the skimmer and valve kit the shipping was
$21.68 UPS (Ground)