This is what you are looking for, you dont want anymoe additives than you see here, it is completely safe in the reef,
cedliss, please get you some and a head or red leaf lettuce or romaine lettuce, he will fill out really fast. youll be suprised how he will gulp down the frozen stuff with a few drops of the oil. stinks like heck, I think you can get 8 drops from each caplet, if you only have a fish or two then use 2-3 drops. I feed 2 or 3 little cubes and use 4 drops. Let me know, I hope you get the results I have, and many others too. You dont want to wait much longer, the longer they arent eating the harder it is to get them back healthy. the healthier they are the greater chance of them fighting off illness.
And jarhed, I used that when I fished, they think I am THE fisherman. Although I havent gotten to fish for a very long time.
chad508, When I bought the gobies, they sold them as Dragon gobies, when I aked them why I could only find freshwater dragon gobies, they said that that was how they were ordered. I dont like to argue, Thanks for the ID, they are total pigs too, never have trouble with the fish eating at all. I just wish I would have know all along that you could use the garlic in the marine tanks though, I just have used this since I set up the 180, but it save me loosing 400.00 in fish when the Hippo was covered with ich. was gone over night. I was truley amazed.