Please show pics of your 180 tanks

They have the best pricing on them that I have seen so far, I have been reading on it for quite awhile, not heard anything bad at all, So I think you will not be sorry for that investment at all.
chad508 said:
i have no idea how to tell them apart april.

and the tank is looking good by the way

Thanks about the tank . I just feel better now that everyone has got me on track with how to post!! LOL I was begging for pics, but couldnt get mine in here. so I'll be posting your little heads off.:strooper:

Here is a pic of one of the new Florida live rocks I just got in,


Not sure what this is, inside the hole though.

He everyone!!! Here is the reply I got back from Dr. Ron on RC about our little star fish:

Hi April,

They will not attack or eat clams. They may have simply been on it, 'cause like mountain climbers climbing mountains, "It was there." Or, if it was already dying they may have been there to scavenge, but I doubt that as well; as whole the asteriids don't act as scavengers. I suspect they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I suspect your clams starved to death. It is probably the most common cause of clam mortality in reef tanks. Small tridacnids need a lot of phytoplankton to keep going. It is essentially impossible to visually assess the health of most invertebrates, so you will not be able to tell their state of well-being by examining. However, if you had tridacnids in a tank, you should have been feeding a lot of phytoplankton.

I suspect the stars on your leather coral are simply either eating algae growing on it or moving across it. Sea stars have no way of telling where they go, and effectively they move randomly through the environment. To them a leather coral is likely just another piece of substrate.

Cheers, Ron

Seems I killed them myself !!!!!!! Will have to do more target feedings. Sorry for the panicking everyone on this guy.

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OMG thanks Chad508, I have already decided to take them out when I see them. I dont want to take any chances at all.

Was a good read too. Even if they werent bad, the way they divide, it would not be good for the tank or them, Now I just have ti try and find the little hairy crab that came in on the live rock. he didn't have black on hids claws, but I dont know if they are black when the Garillas are that small.

And do you have more pics you can post? I'm kinda sick of my own.:eek1:
Here's mine. This is my second go at the aquascaping, kind of. I still have probably 30-40# of smaller pieces that I could add in.

Any suggestions?

Your pretty right on April. Hold him as much as I can.

Vthondaboi, nice start ya got there. As for aquascaping is about what pleases you as well as what is functional. If you are going SPS I would open it up more by keeping rock structure shorter or by making some islands like the TOTM this month started out. In any case, it's really about what looks good to you, keeping in mind what you want the end product to look like!
No SPS for me. Mainly LPS and some large softies. My fish have some hiding spaces and enough filtration. BUT I wish I could incorporate my flat Tonga pieces better....
Welcome vthondaboi, Looks good, if it were me,But you all know I am not the aquascaper at all, but if it were me, I would take the 3 flat pieces an mount them up in the back and attatch some mushrooms to them. They are covering up some really nice live rock you have there. IMO, But like cediss said, it is what you think that is important. the tank looks great though.

Glad to see you could put down the little fellow to let us know you are still around cedliss, I will be doing the same thing here in another month, My youngest daughter is having one and then the oldest boy is having one in Jan. I'm happy for you.

Went to the LFS and got me a Feather duster, to replace the one I bought last week. they replaced him. the onr I bought last week never came out, he backed out of the tube and havent seen him since. I'll take a pic here in a bit.
April540 said:
I would take the 3 flat pieces an mount them up in the back and attatch some mushrooms to them.

What do you mean by mount them in the back?

About attatching mushrooms, I've been thinking of putting some of my acans or zoos there and let them grow all over it. :bum:
Can you set them in the back of the rock straight up and sort of fan them out? Zoos would look great too. It was just a thought, It may not even work. I just like the looks of the other rock too, and they cover them up.
Did a little bit of work on the right and middle. That one big rock int he middle makes a little hole for fish my Clarki to swim through but looks a bit odd, no?

Gosh Mike! you should be able to trade at LFS for something else,wow 5? thats crazy, they must be really happy! can you show more pics please?????

Welcome bergzy, tank is really nice, are you running actinics just on the one side?

vthondaboim much much better, it will blend in when the coralline algae starts seeding, and as you start adding corals to the tank, they always look a little odd till the live stuff gets added. You did good!
April540 said:
are you running actinics just on the one side?

thanks! :)

i've got a 250w de 20k bulb on there and was a long story...but i am going to replace them all with phoenix 14k's!