Please show pics of your 180 tanks

What's odd Cediss is I had the SAME issues of bleaching when I switched. I wonder because of the huge new water volume if the lack of phosphates or something else causes a major change to the corals. A buddy of mine is going through the same thing. Major bleaching/browning. I'm thinking of getting a trio of square anthias when my LFS gets a male and 2 females in. They are so cool. Nice new additions April.
cediss. good to see your still hanging in here, I hope all gets better soon. Thanks for the hint with the Anthias, But I just looked up the Fether Star on the Search, I thnk I made a mistake buying it! It will not live in captivity very long, Darn those stinking LFS, They said tht this was very easy to care for and was just a filter feeder. I am sooooo mad. now I'll be a wreck worrying about him.
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Thanks Jason, I think they are beautiful, I do notice he doesn't go for the flake food. but loves the frozen foods. How can you tell the male and females apart?


Is this the male and I have a female?
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Beats me :) I think the nicer ones are the males so I'm betting yours is a male however I don't know so don't hold it to me. I was going to get 5 but didn't want to drop 125.00 on 5 of em. Plus my bioload is where I want it to be. I believe I havd 19 so 3 more will give me 22 in my 180 although I have a few smaller ones.
Jason,if you could get the 5 for $125, that is alot better deal than I can get, I paid $39 for this one. But I understand the Bio load. And I looked in the other forums and the females that I saw were solid yellow and without the square on their sides. and they said 1 male only.
Not to change the subject but Ilove the new avitar. He's getting so big. Cute as a button too! He has beautiful eyes!! :rollface:
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Hey April, Jay, the picture April posted is a male squarespot. The females are much lighter (usually more orange) in color and don't have the square spot. It is definitely not recommended to keep more than one male, but several females with the male is a good idea to distribute aggression.

I have a trio of the very closely related Bimaculatus Anthias in my 180g.

Just some info to help you guys (and gals) out.
Thanks reelheel, This one is all I want,don't need any aggression going on, the Tangs were aggressive enough, they arent anymore, but they were awful when I added a new one. However, no one was aggressive with the Anthias, he just swam around like he was always in there. I was happy!!!
New Addition

New Addition


Just added yesterday. This is the best pic I can get since this guy is still shy and prefers to stay in the dark. Still a juv. at about 4." Some say not reef compatible, but I don't keep many crustaceans, so shouldn't be a problem. We'll see!
cediss, he is a beauty, he stands out alot. It's so fun to get new stock. What is the green plant he is in front of? keep the pics comming.

drjrose, In usually read up on things before I buy them, I wish I would have read on this before I bought it. So far it seems to be doing great, but I have read up on it since and it looks like I'm just sheltering it till death takes him. I feel awful now. I'll do all I can to keep him healthy. I should have waited for my buddy at the LFS,he never stears me wrong, and of course was not working that night. I think from now on I'll just have them hold things, then come home to research first, a mear phone call to take them off hold will save me alot of sorrow.:( And save another little creature.

here he is today

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jay24k, how many pounds of rock do you estimate that you have?

Also, anyone with a 180 can you take a few measurements for me? I need to know how tall the trim is on the bottom and top so I can build my stand to cover that plastic.
Another measurement I need is how far from the back corner of the tank to the edge of the overflow then when that overflow ends.

I need those two measurements for an AGA tank.

I'll measure mine. Mine are the older corner style overflows, not the megaflows though. I'll post it in a few.

I have about 220 pounds of rock however, 160 pounds of it is base rock and TBS rock both of which were not very porous. I added 60 pounds of Figi that was probably equivalent to the 100 pounds of base rock in size if not more.

I don't care for a rock loaded tank and because I have big fish, I wanted an open look up top.

I helped a friend setup his 180 aga megaflow so if you got any questions, feel free to ask.
I am planning on getting the megaflow tank when I finish the stand and canopy (and save) :)

You have that much rock? Your tank looks like it hardly has any. I've got 130 or so pounds right now and wasn't planning on adding any more than that. Maybe I should rethink that.
I don't have any rock on the glass either and I don't think you realize how much dense rock weights compared to Fiji. If I did it again, I'd go Fiji with a reef tank.

Stick with 130 and add as you need it. I also plan to have HUGE SPS and I like my open center. It doesn't look like much but imagine having 24" of width for rock. It really disappears quick once you aquascape.
ahh, I didn't realize you had extremely dense rock. Mine should be all fiji (at least I think so).

I plan to keep an open center and top as well so that corals can grown upward. I'm also thinking about a 210 to achieve that even more so.

Thanks for your time!

Now, if anyone can get the measurements of a megaflow tank, that would be awesome. Again, the plastic trim height (so I can cover it with trim) and the distance from corner of tank to start of overflow to end of over flow.

Just thinkin out loud here but can't you find someone that sells AGA tanks on the web and ask them? I got my tank from glass cages and they told me what size I would need to build the stand. But mine is made from steel tube and behind a wall so it didn't need to be to exact.
mako56 said:
Just thinkin out loud here but can't you find someone that sells AGA tanks on the web and ask them? I got my tank from glass cages and they told me what size I would need to build the stand. But mine is made from steel tube and behind a wall so it didn't need to be to exact.

Oh, I'm sure there is. I figured someone here could take that quick measurement for me and I wouldn't have to go looking. :)