Please show pics of your 180 tanks

jjackson said:
I pay 30 bucks for 150 gallons crystal seas bio essay lab grade, could pay 75 for 450 gallons but really havent felt the need to get that much salt at once yet.

Where did you get that? I'd pickup 450gallon supply NOW if I had the chance. Thats easily more than a year of water changes.
april no new pics I posted one of the entire tank about a week ago, it is actually 3 150 gallon boxes so they are individually packaged but its 1 for 30 or 3 for 25... anyway I will get some more pictures up after the holiday I am away from the tank right now.

oh yeah purchased at
Yup I could talk you through it with no issues at all. Depends on what you want. If you built a canopy, it's really easy or you could buy one that hangs above the tank.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope your Day was wonderful.....

Dad is here now until Monday. He said he will try it he will need to know what kind of wood and all of the dimentions on it. I think i will have to do the canopy, in the middle of the tank there is an air vent.


I took this a minute ago to show you what it looks like. there is 23 1/4 in from the bottom of the vent to the top of the tank. is that enough room?
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Im almost finshed with putting the 180 in the wall. I took the tank down about a month ago, and its been long enough. Hopefully ill have the tank on the stand tomorrow and start filling it with water.

Living room



April540, My canopy is only 14.5" tall from the bottom of the top trim to the top of the tank, so that is plenty of room.

Has anyone gotten those dimensions for me yet?

I need the megaflow dimensions from the back corner to the edge of the overflow and then the dimensions from the edge of the overflow to the other edge.

Lastly, I need the dimensions from the back of the tank to the lip of the first bulkhead.
Very nice 642642! I've always wanted to have a tank in the garage as an in wall display. My current home has the garage against a bed room convertrd to an office. It just wasn't the right space. Anyway, keep us updated!
642642, looking great. Wish I could do that, I love the in wall tanks, And the fish may love watching the TV too! Maybe watch Nemo!
Hey thrlride, I just measured mine as close as I could...I've got so much crap on the back of my tank it was a little difficult LOL.

From the outside edge of the tank trim to the edge of the overflow is about 8 3/8". The space between the two overflows is about 34". There is no way I could get an accurate measurement for the bulkheads, sorry....
If you need any other measurements, just let me know.
Hi reelheel!

I know this will shock you all, but I have another question.... My ASM just came in, there are no directions in it...Is there anything you have to do to this before I put it in the sump? :confused:
never mind, I rinsed it out and put it in. it seems to be running pretty well.It will probably take some time to prime itself up to rum properly. But boy are there tiny bubbles!!!!
LOL thrlride, your funny. I've wanted one for a very long time, it's really cookin. Loads of foamy bubbles, I cant wait to see that yucky stuff pulling up.

reelheel, how long till tht starts happening? Should I have rinsed it uut with something other than water?
I just rinsed my g4 plus out and let her rip. Was pulling out gunk within 12 hours. I have my skimmer set so the cup fills up to the top every 3 days. So the riser is fairly high, I still need to do the gate valve mod to it though
Are you suppose to leave the foam on? Is there a purpose for it, I left it on, the picture shows it on,so I figured it must be there to soften te water flow.
OK! another question. I dont have all of the modern conveniences on my tank, My question is I dont have the tank drilled, and I dont have the overflo like all of yours. Mine is the old box inside with the siphon elbows, inside the back of it are 2 big sponges, should I not have these in? will it hurt the overflo if I took them out? Arent those breeding Nitrates too?