Ultimate Reefer
Plz tel me what is the secret
Copying from a post I made in this thread:
The answer to colourful SPS isnt a secret. Ask most of the old timers and they will say something like this:
1. Keep stable parameters: Alk, Ca, Mg, etc. Alk:7.5-8.5, Ca:400-420ppm and Mg: around 1300ppm.
I dont worry about Mg too much. I top up sometimes if required. But I maintain strict control on Alk and Ca by using a doser. A calcium reactor is perfectly fine as well. Even hand dosing is fine if you can do it daily every day.
2. Keep NO3 below 5ppm and PO4 around 0.03ppm
I have seen these two parameters way higher in some tanks and SPS colours are still fine (take a look at member Big E; he has around 0.1ppm PO4, but excellent SPS colour), but usually PO4 is the one to keep a close eye on; not only because of SPS browning out, but to keep algae growth minimal. Use GFO in small amounts regularly.
3. Feed your tank generously.
I think this is where a lot of people have issues. We dont feed our tanks as much as we should. With GFO, a decent skimmer and water changes in place you should be able to feed the tank generously and maintain parameters as set out above. Essentially you need HIGH INPUT + HIGH WASTE OUTPUT.
Look through threads where the SPS are highly coloured (not pale like Zeo, but strong deep colouration) and if you ask the reef keeper about feeding they will usually tell you they feed their tank generously.
4. Carry out at least 10% water changes per week.
Water changes are one of the best things you can do for your tank during the stage where you are trying to colour up your SPS and especially when your tank is less than 1 years old.
5. Run a decent skimmer for your sized tank.
Pretty much easy enough. Keep it clean etc. Clean cup weekly. I clean whole skimmer every 3 months.
6. Run appropriate sized LED/T5/MH unit for your tank.
As long as most SPS get around 200-250PAR they will colour up nicely. Some acros might need higher, but that generally is sufficient.
7. Stop messing with the tank; trying this potion and that potion.
I think too many people miss the basics and start to mess around with additives; eg adding Amino Acids etc. This also means keep the hand out of the water as much as possible. Invest is a PAR meter if possible and after acclimating on the sand bed, moving to an appropriate place higher up on the rockwork has never caused me any problems.
8. Have patience.
It usually take anywhere between 6-12 months of a tanks life before SPS start to colour up. If your rocks and sand are ultra clean and fresh then that period may be a lot shorter, but dont expect too much before that. It can take 6-12 months of water changes, using GFO and decent skimming to get the system clean enough for good SPS colour. That combined with the biological filtration maturing should set things up for nice colours.
9. Try and buy aquacultured frags.
I have around 50/50 aquacultured and wild/mari pieces. On the whole, my cultured SPS colour up much more readily than the wild pieces.
The above are like a collection of advice I have seen usually given by those who know the secret. Thats my experience as well. The secret isnt a secret. Its already out there. You just have to put the whole lot together and be consistent. Do that and your SPS will reward you with colours other than just brown.
Also, I would advise that you read loads of SPS build threads where the reefkeeper has lots of colourful corals and see what parameters they run, what maintenance they do etc.