Plumbing my Sump am Bulkhead issues


That's the normal bulkhead one

This is the table conduit, whatever that means

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From what I see both foam & Teflon should go on the inside of the overflow box.
The Teflon washer would support the foam from being distorted & secure a tight fit.
With bulkheads there is nothing under the nut to avoid that.
Thanks for all your help guys. I managed to cut the pipes, turn the bulkheads around an just about get the connectors on in what was a very tight squeeze. It has meant a slight redesign in the piping underneath though.

I've had to put it going around now, but seems fine. There wasn't enough room to get both outlets underneath the bulkheads without putting at slight angles.

I do have another question though. I have it all up and running at the minute to fully test for leaks over the next week or so, before slotting it I to the alcove an it being final, or a real issue to change things around. Anyway, the return pump I have a bit of flexible tubing connected to it. But it's leaking from this part, not doing damage but it's obviously effecting the pressure of the water coming out as very little is coming back out into the tank. Should I be using the plastic hose clamps on the 2 spots the flexible tubing is attached? Would not having these clamps be causing the flow to be very slow?

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Yes use clamps, above water can be SS hose clamp but it will rust, below use plastic.
Braided hose is usually not as flexible as plain vinyl & silicone would be most flexible.
As far as flow to the tank, if it is not really leaking now you might need a bigger pump.
Cheers Vinny. It is leaking out of the top of the flexible tubing part, so I assume bottom too, but I can't see that as it's underwater. By not leaking I meant all the other pipe work.

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Sorry, forgot to say. The pump is 3600lph. Tank is 40" x 24" x 24". Think this is only just under 10 times the volume so should be ok?

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3600 LPH is around 800 GPH give or take.
Then you add all the elbows & height it has to pump & get your head pressure.
With a 100 gallon tank I'll bet you are around 600 GPH or less.
Use the head pressure calculator here on RC to see just where you are.