Ah the name game. This is a rather old topic that has been discussed numerous times :deadhorse1:
Hello my friend, long time?
but I have a new angle from before. I was a proponent on the naming as a sense of identification and still see some point in this today to a certain degree but I noticed something a while back. What was it you wonder? simply too many names for the same zoa/paly. It seems that everyone and their brother are coming up with different names for the purpose of hyping "their" polyp.
As always, you're hitting the nail square on the head. I have even witnessed people arguing over the name, "it's a jelly bean, no it's a juju bean", in the mean time, I see 3 tiny polyps on a square disc nearly covered in green nuisance algae and cyano. There's no concern for what's about to kill them, yet a debate on who's right about the name. I still don't understand it.
You're right again...create the hype, give it a quick name, then flood it with actinics, shoot it with a macro lens, call it LE, rare or one of a kind and you've just paid the car note, or two.
What is the point of naming if everyone calls them something different.
Great point.
The other day I was at a local fish store who doesn't really specialize in corals but have a section for them. There you can get bambam for I dunno...a dollar a polyp. Anyway, I picked up a zoa frag that interested me and I only paid 5 bucks (see pic below). I was curious and checked online and guess what...there were 3 different names for this morph. I was not surprised since I noticed this was happening a while back. I have not searched online how much people would sell this frag but I bet if you throw a name on they will charge a lot more than 5 bucks.
I have heard that many times as well.
As of now the zoa for me will be zoa with yellow center and red/orange skirt and that is that. Gonna glue it on a rock and let it grow. Zoas look much nicer when left alone and grown in mats.
I would be inclined to agree.
As a few fine folks mentioned earlier, make buddies with local reefers. Do some trades or find things cheap. Soon I am going to frag some tubbs blue (I have thousands and gonna frag the ones growing next to a hammer coral) and sell them dirt cheap and/or depending how new the reefer is give it to them for free. This hobby is one of enjoyment and growing a reef and reefing friends is what it is all about.