Pooky's 300

Man even with the reduction in sticks your tank still has great color. Think of it as a semi-blank canvas that you now have a chance to re-do.:artist:
I appreciate the uplifting words, Dan :) It's just tough looking at the tank now knowing what it looked like before, that's all.
Alright, so I found out something interesting today. I was testing phosphate levels with the Hanna meter so I thought I would do a couple of extra tests. Besides the tank water, I also tested my RODI and mixed salt water. The RODI read 0.01 and the mixed salt water read 0.02 :eek: Has anyone else tested their source water for phosphates and what have you found?
Thats not bad Kenny, I've tested mine up to .05 sometimes :eek: And that was a week after replacing all my filters :(
My mix up water is usually .02-.03 depending on how long it sits in the brute rubbermaid cans. I swear they leach something as the longer I leave my mix up water in there, the high it goes. I only leave it in there for 24-36 hours at most. That reminds me, I have another 70 gallons I need to go change today. This syphoning out the sand is getting old :(
Interesting, I'm doing a WC this weekend and I'll to test for PO4 and let you know my results.
My mix up water is usually .02-.03 depending on how long it sits in the brute rubbermaid cans. I swear they leach something as the longer I leave my mix up water in there, the high it goes. I only leave it in there for 24-36 hours at most. That reminds me, I have another 70 gallons I need to go change today. This syphoning out the sand is getting old :(

I use one of those 55 gallon food grade drums and keep the water in there for up to 2 weeks. Hope they are not leaching anything into the water.
Dan, check both the RODI and the mixed water to compare.

Also, what do you use for Mg supplement?
Will do. I got some BRS stuff that I mix. When I first started the tank my Mg was real low and as you know it is a PITA to raise so I made a bulk purchase. If you can hold out until Reefapalooza I'll bring you a gallon.
Have you tested your mixed water or whatever you use?

I did, there was a slight detection of po4. My salifert kit showed a very slight tint of blue. So I'm assuming it's below .001.

Just fyi, I also checked my test kit against a Hanna light meter, results were nearly the same.

I think your suppose to use GFO to reduce po4 either before or after you change water.
Thanks Dan! I am not actually looking for a Mg supp. Just curious as to what you use to see if we have a common cause for our Acro problems. After thinking about it long and hard, another possible scenario I've come up with is the on and off dosing of Mag Flake that I've been doing for a while now. I've never dosed it regularly. Usually I would use it for a few weeks and lay off for another few. Thinking back, my Acros would die in waves also. There is no record of when the Mag Flake dosing and Acro death occur so I can really connect the two. My last round of casualties coincided with the resumption of Mag Flake dosing so I've stopped it all together about 2 weeks ago. Another couple of months would tell me if that was it or not.
I did, there was a slight detection of po4. My salifert kit showed a very slight tint of blue. So I'm assuming it's below .001.

Just fyi, I also checked my test kit against a Hanna light meter, results were nearly the same.

I think your suppose to use GFO to reduce po4 either before or after you change water.

So it sounds like the salts are possibly introducing phosphates into our tanks :mad2:
If you ask all salt manufacturers, they will admit that all salts contains small amounts of po4. I've seen group tests that also show the same. Not only are there po4, there are also silicates that are present in the salts. Which why I figure your suppose to use gfo to filter both out.
Thanks Dan! I am not actually looking for a Mg supp. Just curious as to what you use to see if we have a common cause for our Acro problems. After thinking about it long and hard, another possible scenario I've come up with is the on and off dosing of Mag Flake that I've been doing for a while now. I've never dosed it regularly. Usually I would use it for a few weeks and lay off for another few. Thinking back, my Acros would die in waves also. There is no record of when the Mag Flake dosing and Acro death occur so I can really connect the two. My last round of casualties coincided with the resumption of Mag Flake dosing so I've stopped it all together about 2 weeks ago. Another couple of months would tell me if that was it or not.

Interesting Kenny-
We as well used Mag Flake (for the first time) around the same time we started having acro issues. We also had a sump issue which may have caused an itty bitty cycle.
Since I could not say for sure what caused the acros to STN I never mentioned it. Every time Ed says he wants to dose Mg I make sure he is not using the flake!!!
Ah, that's right I remember seeing the Mag Flake at your house now that you mention it.