Pooky's 300

I use the BRS magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride mixed per their instructions. I've figured out that I just dose once a month right after I change my water. But I only change 10 gallon a month on my 150gal tank.
If you ask all salt manufacturers, they will admit that all salts contains small amounts of po4. I've seen group tests that also show the same. Not only are there po4, there are also silicates that are present in the salts. Which why I figure your suppose to use gfo to filter both out.

I guess it's logical to expect some level of phosphates in salts since the oceans have been so polluted.
Interesting Kenny-
We as well used Mag Flake (for the first time) around the same time we started having acro issues. We also had a sump issue which may have caused an itty bitty cycle.
Since I could not say for sure what caused the acros to STN I never mentioned it. Every time Ed says he wants to dose Mg I make sure he is not using the flake!!!

Stacie, this just a guess on my part at this point. I actually started using Mag Flake for a while before the Acros issues started cropping up. My guess is that whatever impurity/impurities that were present built up to a certain threshold level where it finally adversely affected the Acros. We'll see if my theory is correct in a couple more months.
BTW, when I tested for po4 with the mixed salt water, I was using DD salt, just for reference. Seems the po4 is pretty low on that salt if I'm detecting very little, much less than .02 anyway.

What salt did you use to test Kenny?
I use the BRS magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride mixed per their instructions. I've figured out that I just dose once a month right after I change my water. But I only change 10 gallon a month on my 150gal tank.

I think I might just stay with Warner Marine or try the Blue Life stuff since they are easier to use. Don't want to have to mix more stuff in my garage. One day, I may blow something up :lol:
BTW, when I tested for po4 with the mixed salt water, I was using DD salt, just for reference. Seems the po4 is pretty low on that salt if I'm detecting very little, much less than .02 anyway.

What salt did you use to test Kenny?

I've always used a mixture of salts. The staple has always been Tropic Marin and I've added DD a couple months back. They make up 70-80% of the salt used in about equal parts. The remainder could be IO, RC, Reefers Best, SeaChem, or others.
I think I might just stay with Warner Marine or try the Blue Life stuff since they are easier to use. Don't want to have to mix more stuff in my garage. One day, I may blow something up :lol:

That's true. And actually that's the downside of 2 part dosing as opposed to ca reactor, too much mixing. However for mg, 1 gallon lasts a loooooong time.
I've always used a mixture of salts. The staple has always been Tropic Marin and I've added DD a couple months back. They make up 70-80% of the salt used in about equal parts. The remainder could be IO, RC, Reefers Best, SeaChem, or others.

Oh, another thing, I always clean my tub that i use to mix water in after every use. There's always some sort of gunk after mixing, maybe that contributes to some po4 if left uncleaned?
I think I might just stay with Warner Marine or try the Blue Life stuff since they are easier to use. Don't want to have to mix more stuff in my garage. One day, I may blow something up :lol:
:blown: Hey they just killed Kenny! I used to use the WM stuff but you have to pour in a whole bottle just to raise it 50 points.
:blown: Hey they just killed Kenny! I used to use the WM stuff but you have to pour in a whole bottle just to raise it 50 points.

Yeah, that's why I am thinking of switching to Blue Life. I've been told that it's much more concentrated. There is a test bottle coming soon :)
Not to get off subject but have you tired the Blue Life Phosphate control?

Yes, I've used it before but totally forgot about it until yesterday. Dosed 50 drops and chopped my PO4 level in half :D I'll dose again tomorrow but not as much.
FWIW, I have been using mag flake from day one in my tank.

Then I wonder if I got a bad batch. I am sure there are different manufacturers for these things. Or is it only made by one company? Mark, you want to use some of mine to test out my theory??? :hammer:
Then I wonder if I got a bad batch. I am sure there are different manufacturers for these things. Or is it only made by one company? Mark, you want to use some of mine to test out my theory??? :hammer:

Sure, I get mine at sierra chemical in bulk. Its Chlori Mag produced by North American Salt company.
I have no idea where mine came from. It's been so long since I bought it and it's all in 5 gallon buckets now. Anyways, I'll stop using it for a while so I can eliminate it as the culprit or not.