Pooky's 300

Thanks Mark. I realized the potential problem early on, that's why I've never moved the corals elsewhere until now. Luckily, Leo has an empty frag system up and he was brave enough to help me out. Even then, I was still a bit hesitant. Hopefully whatever it was can be purged from his system when it's all said and done.

I sure hope so. Alicia came by and picked up a list of corals to start restocking her new cube. Once things clear up, just let me know ;) I would wait two-three weeks and then go out and get some new corals and see if they have the problems. The problem with pathogens are since they are "Any disease-producing agent", we really never know what caused the initial disease or impairment to begin with.

I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you :thumbsup:
I sure hope so. Alicia came by and picked up a list of corals to start restocking her new cube. Once things clear up, just let me know ;) I would wait two-three weeks and then go out and get some new corals and see if they have the problems. The problem with pathogens are since they are "Any disease-producing agent", we really never know what caused the initial disease or impairment to begin with.

I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you :thumbsup:

I really appreciate the offer, Mark. It won't be so fast with my tank, unfortunately. There are still a few colonies that have grown onto large rocks that will be hard to take out. I am supposed to be receiving a shipment today that includes BioDigest and BiOptim. Let's see if dosing bacteria will help.
I sure hope so. Alicia came by and picked up a list of corals to start restocking her new cube. Once things clear up, just let me know ;) I would wait two-three weeks and then go out and get some new corals and see if they have the problems. The problem with pathogens are since they are "Any disease-producing agent", we really never know what caused the initial disease or impairment to begin with.

I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you :thumbsup:

Hey Mark, do you happen to have any online articles or references to informations about these kinds of pathogens?
Kenny, if anymore corals go south, try and save the frags, so I can see if I can bring them back to life.

Well, like I showed you in the other tank, those 3 Acros are doing fine, so I have high hopes of them surviving in a different system. Now I just hope this attempt at dosing bacteria will have some positive effect on the 300 for those colonies that are hard to get out.
Hey Mark, do you happen to have any online articles or references to informations about these kinds of pathogens?

That is the problem with pathogens, they are so broad and since we do not have the means to test everything, we are shooting in the wind for diagnosis. There are supposed to be a couple new books out speaking on them, but I've heard they were pricey and I have not had the chance to read them. I have read some online articles, but unfortunate I do not have them saved as I lost them when I was tranferring over to my current laptop :(
Way to step up Leo...mad props. Hope this works out and still holding out hope that this will turn around.
Way to step up Leo...mad props. Hope this works out and still holding out hope that this will turn around.

Me too.........me too........

Now I have to figure out how to dose BioDigest/Bioptim :spin2:

The labels say 1 vial of BioDigest for 1000 liters and 1 vial of Bioptim for 200 liters. So does that mean I have to dose 5 vials of Bioptim to 1 vial of BioDigest? I should have looked at it more closely b/c I would have bought more of the Bioptim :mad2:
I "think" you should up the biodigest for the first week (3-4 vials) Then the second week, you dose the bioptim. I alternate weeks in my dosing schedule.
Me too.........me too........

Now I have to figure out how to dose BioDigest/Bioptim :spin2:

The labels say 1 vial of BioDigest for 1000 liters and 1 vial of Bioptim for 200 liters. So does that mean I have to dose 5 vials of Bioptim to 1 vial of BioDigest? I should have looked at it more closely b/c I would have bought more of the Bioptim :mad2:

Unfortunately yes, you need more Bioptim. The first month of dosing is the most important, you need a lot of it to kick start the system, after that you can usually reduce the dosage in 1/2
I was going to to do 2 vials of the BioDigest since each treats ~250 gallons. So I should do 4 the first week? Do I need to do 20 vials of Bioptim the second week??? :eek2: And I thought I got plenty when I bought 30 vials each :crazy1:
Kenny. I only do 3 vials of bioptim when I dose (approx 200 water gallons; 240 gallons of water minus the rock volume).