Good article, that's some crazy stuff!
If you really want some crazy over the head stuff, you should try to read the scientific journal articles :fun5:
Good article, that's some crazy stuff!
Kenny. I only do 3 vials of bioptim when I dose (approx 200 water gallons; 240 gallons of water minus the rock volume).
I was going to to do 2 vials of the BioDigest since each treats ~250 gallons. So I should do 4 the first week? Do I need to do 20 vials of Bioptim the second week??? :eek2: And I thought I got plenty when I bought 30 vials each :crazy1:
So the dosing schedule would look like this:
Week 1 - Biodigest 4-5 vials
Week 2 - Bioptim 4-5 vials
Week 3 - Biodigest 4-5 vials
Week 4 - Bioptim 4-5 vials
Week 5 - Biodigest 1-2 vials
Week 6 - Bioptim 1-2 vials
Week 7 - Same as week 5
Week 8 - Same as week 6
Repeat weeks 5/6
Nice shots Kenny! Tank still looks great w/o acros. But would be nice to restore the sticks to fill the upper part of the tank.
What I find so interesting is how we can never het the tank to look the same from month to month.
Nice stuff Kenny. The PBT looks awesome :eek1: