Pooky's 300

happy happy..........joy joy..........


That's a nice looking piece Kenny!

What's going on with the white patches in the middle? Bleaching? Loss of tissue?

Sorry I missed your second comment. Are you talking about the white stuff on the encrusting part or the white coloration near the bottom of the branches? The white stuff on encrusted portion is sand. Not sure about the branches. It's not bleaching or tissue recession. The color just fades a bit as it goes lower.
Thanks Dan. No, the fish are still ahead at this point. Perhaps the sticks will catch up one day soon. Didn't see you at RAP on Saturday. Was hoping to catch up a bit.
Thanks Dan. No, the fish are still ahead at this point. Perhaps the sticks will catch up one day soon. Didn't see you at RAP on Saturday. Was hoping to catch up a bit.

Long story short...I didn't make it...either day :sad2: When things settle down I'll come up and visit. I'll bring up some musubi (spam or portugese sausage?) and some beer. At this point were still partially living out of boxes and can't find half of the stuff. I'm gonna try to break down the white tub this weekend. Wish me luck.
Sorry you couldn't make it. Ooohh......some authentic musubi would be awesome. I've only had spam, didn't know they make 'em with Portugeese sausage. Yum yum. Take your time. Packing/unpacking is the least fun part of moving and unpacking can take years, it seems. When your tank is back up, we'll dig through my tank to see what you like.
HAPPY...........HAPPY..........JOY............JOY!!! :D

After almost 2 months in the QT with maybe another 2 weeks to go, I feel pretty good about these guys.



A pair?

Very nice Kenny, looking healthy and plump. Congrats.

Yep. All or nothing :D You gotta come and check them out some day. They are amazing and so much fun to watch.

They are looking good Kenny!!! (about time you showed them off :)

LOL...........yeah, finally felt comfortable enough to share them. Those are actually the pix I took the day they arrived. They are doing really well now and pretty much taking all types of foods. Can't wait to get them into the 300.
Thanks guys.

Brett, that coral was one of the survivors and it has grown back well. If it hadn't mostly died off from the tank issues, it would probably be around 8-9" across now.