Pooky's 300

Nope, they are still white......... Do you think the Prodibio will make them even whiter??? :lol:

Oh yeah, I also added 2 5 gallon buckets of small to medium sized live rocks in the sump to boost biological filtration
On a side note though, after the large water change, the green slimer is showing much better polyp extension. Before, there was hardly any :)
Hmm...a friend who has a 120gal dosed prodibio and within a week or 2 he saw dramatic difference in coral color and health. I was hoping it would do the same for you.

Prodibio does not work overnight. Its a gradual process that takes a few months to see any changes. Its a bacteria system and not a nutrient control system like zeovit. Maybe this is because the people whose feedback I gathered also had nice tanks before they went down the prodibio route.
Prodibio does not work overnight. Its a gradual process that takes a few months to see any changes. Its a bacteria system and not a nutrient control system like zeovit. Maybe this is because the people whose feedback I gathered also had nice tanks before they went down the prodibio route.

Mark, I understand and agree, but I saw my friend's corals and I couldn't believe the difference in just 2 weeks. I have never seen a turn around like that, ever.
Mark, I understand and agree, but I saw my friend's corals and I couldn't believe the difference in just 2 weeks. I have never seen a turn around like that, ever.

Coloration? Most people I know see response around 6-8 weeks. I know that I have a few corals that remind me to feed more and add more aminos.
I need more money for some magic potion.
You and me both (we also need something to help with our tank issues.:hammer:) I did a 50 gallon yesterday. Nice video Leo...I need to come see your tank. What city are you in?
I start my new system with prodibio. I have to agree that your not going to see much of a difference right away, but I'm a believer that it works. I'm in my 11th week and just started AA's because of corals lighting in color. I took my GFO line 3 weeks ago and still hold my PO'4 @ .03 ppm. They have been that low for a month and the last time I add new GFO was 2 months ago. To add I feed 6 times a day.
You and me both (we also need something to help with our tank issues.:hammer:) I did a 50 gallon yesterday. Nice video Leo...I need to come see your tank. What city are you in?

I wished I could do more at once and maybe do this a few times a week apart. I could only make so much water so I had to get 120 gallons yesterday from a friend who does tank maintenance. I just don't have enough containers.
I start my new system with prodibio. I have to agree that your not going to see much of a difference right away, but I'm a believer that it works. I'm in my 11th week and just started AA's because of corals lighting in color. I took my GFO line 3 weeks ago and still hold my PO'4 @ .03 ppm. They have been that low for a month and the last time I add new GFO was 2 months ago. To add I feed 6 times a day.

I wish I could get my PO4 down to that level again. It's been a while and the removing/vacuuming of the sandbed didn't help matters any. Finally got it down to 0.11 right before the huge water change yesterday. Down to my last reagent package for the Hanna too :sad2:
I wish I could get my PO4 down to that level again. It's been a while and the removing/vacuuming of the sandbed didn't help matters any. Finally got it down to 0.11 right before the huge water change yesterday. Down to my last reagent package for the Hanna too :sad2:

IMO prodibio will help once you finish the 6 week dosing schedule. With GFO and prodibio I lower my levels form .18 ppm to were I at now.
Pook, also have a 300 gallon, and having high alk and high CA levels, how are yours looking after your water change regimen? I have about 165 gallons of water storage on hand in my garage, so I can do a couple large water changes if I have to, Ive lost a few LPS that ive had for years.
Pook. Sorry I have to ask this question. Are you still losing your colonies, after you start changing the water? If I am guessing (did not read the whole thread), your tank is about 2 1/2 year old? I am also losing some large SPS. I am trying to get my alk and PO4 in check. Things started to go south after I stop doing my regular water change (got busy).
IMO prodibio will help once you finish the 6 week dosing schedule. With GFO and prodibio I lower my levels form .18 ppm to were I at now.

Well, I check the PO4 last night with my last packet of reagent and it read 0.01 the first time :eek2: I did 2 more timed reads with the same sample and it came back with 0.03 both times. Wow, that was a big drop from 0.11 just 2 days prior and I hadn't done anything extra since then, just started dosing vodka at 1.5 ml, in addition to the Prodibio. Of course, I don't have any more reagent to double check these results :rolleyes:

Alk was at about 9 dKH and Ca was at 425 ppm, which are much more balanced than the previous combo of 9 dKH and 475+ ppm Ca.

BTW, thanks for the link, Brian :)
Do you want me to send you down some reagent Kenny. I can drop it in the mail tomorrow ;)
Pook, also have a 300 gallon, and having high alk and high CA levels, how are yours looking after your water change regimen? I have about 165 gallons of water storage on hand in my garage, so I can do a couple large water changes if I have to, Ive lost a few LPS that ive had for years.

The levels have balanced out. Check out my previous post. If both of your alk and Ca levels are high, then you need to dial back your 2 part dosing or whatever reactors you are running until the levels drop to the appropriate levels. A couple of large water changes will help temporarily, but you still need to fine tune the way in which you are dosing alk and Ca to make sure they don't pop back up later on.
Pook. Sorry I have to ask this question. Are you still losing your colonies, after you start changing the water? If I am guessing (did not read the whole thread), your tank is about 2 1/2 year old? I am also losing some large SPS. I am trying to get my alk and PO4 in check. Things started to go south after I stop doing my regular water change (got busy).

Yes, I was still losing Acros after I started doing more frequent water changes. This is the first time I've done a large water change though. The water changes helped a little but I think I had other issues such as possible contamination in the Mag Flake that I was using and maybe the extra layer of sand that I added a while back.