Pooky's 300

Side note: My automatic feeder runs at about the 2:00 mark. The fish know this so they are hanging around the upper right hand corner expecting food.
OMG Kenny! I did a 10gal water change yesterday, my arms and back are sore too. But I changed carbon/gfo too :lol:

Hey BTW, the Bellus pair are in my DT now, woohoo! They are happy and healthy, frolicking all over the tank with all my other fish. There was absolutely no aggression by any fish and they were eating after 1/2 hour. Now if my corals would start growing into mini colonies then the tank will be back to it's old glory like it was 5 years ago. Even took a video with my phone. Only had my vho/t5's on so the lighting is dim. Feel free to check it out but don't call the fish police on me!



Leo, How long have you had the idol?
Dood, that lamarck is HUGE!!! Don't worry, if some people saw my tank, they'll call out the entire police department on me :D

I thought I was crazy with a 60 on my display and a 40 on my shallow...

I normally do only around 60-75 but thought I would do one or two large water changes back to back to see if I can flush out the crap and if I can balance out the alk and Ca levels. They have been out of whack for a couple months now. I was planning on 200 and had the water ready but misjudged how much water I drained out.
Dood, that lamarck is HUGE!!! Don't worry, if some people saw my tank, they'll call out the entire police department on me :D

Haha, the Lamark isn't huge, it's 6-7" I think, it's my tank, it's small, :lol: Do you realize the amount of water you changed is more than my entire water volume in my DT?
The male will develop better coloration and longer streamers over time. He may do that quicker in a smaller tank since there is more face time with the female.
The female is following the male around, it's really sweet.

Yea when the male start turning more yellow they will be very distinguishable.
Hmm...a friend who has a 120gal dosed prodibio and within a week or 2 he saw dramatic difference in coral color and health. I was hoping it would do the same for you.