Pooky's 300

I get that thrown at me all the time by the hubby ... think of all the vacations we could go on and look at these fish in the actual ocean :crazy1:

Ok I'm an idealist....How about I keep a tank, go on vacations, AND buy some camera gear. :bounce3:

Girlfriend....optional, hahahaha
Ok I'm an idealist....How about I keep a tank, go on vacations, AND buy some camera gear. :bounce3:

Girlfriend....optional, hahahaha

In an ideal world, you get to keep multiple tanks, go on vacations, buy expensive camera gear, AND girlfriend/wife/husband says YES to all of them :lolspin:
A great trade...

A great trade...

We have cruised twice a year for the past 4-5 years. This year we gave up one cruise in exchange for our tank build...

Let's see... a quick couple of weeks in the Caribbean... or the large tank of our dreams??? No contest.

I've only cruised once and I loved it. So did my kids.

See George, looks like there's a big difference in terms of your significant other. At least she's into this tank of yours since you said tank of "our" dream. Most of use have spouses who are in most cases indifferent at best. Don't get me wrong. My wife fully supports my reef addiction but there are times when I get the hint that she would like me to pay more attention to her rather than the tank :D
I've only cruised once and I loved it. So did my kids.

See George, looks like there's a big difference in terms of your significant other. At least she's into this tank of yours since you said tank of "our" dream. Most of use have spouses who are in most cases indifferent at best. Don't get me wrong. My wife fully supports my reef addiction but there are times when I get the hint that she would like me to pay more attention to her rather than the tank :D
Yup the key word there is "our". My wife will often inform me that I'm spending too much time on the tank especially when she wants something or were beefing. Luckily my son is into it so I can use him as an excuse.
Yup the key word there is "our". My wife will often inform me that I'm spending too much time on the tank especially when she wants something or were beefing. Luckily my son is into it so I can use him as an excuse.

Same here. My kids are my excuse to keep the tank and spend all the time out in the garage. Yesterday, my son walked to the garage side door, turned back towards me and asked "why do you have the corals out here, they are so clean and white?" :o
Its even better when your daughter goes up to wife on her own and says "Can you tell dad to take me to the fish store. I want to see the shark and turtle" :lol: Yes, Emma does that one her own :p
Last weekend, she told me to hurry up with the water change so we can go buy some coral :lol2: She still uses her Jedi mind tricks very wisely.
Same here. My kids are my excuse to keep the tank and spend all the time out in the garage. Yesterday, my son walked to the garage side door, turned back towards me and asked "why do you have the corals out here, they are so clean and white?" :o

Thats funny and sad at the same time.
Thats funny and sad at the same time.

Yeah, I was about to tell him that those were Limited Edition corals but thought better of it :hammer:

I need to send my kids over to absorb some of that Jedi mind trick. It might come in handy some day.
Yeah, I was about to tell him that those were Limited Edition corals but thought better of it :hammer:

I need to send my kids over to absorb some of that Jedi mind trick. It might come in handy some day.

Anytime, but here is just a little taste of what Emma will have is store for them :p

Leo, how much vodka do you dose? And do you dose sugar/vinegar also or just vodka?

Well when I started I dosed A LOT (started at 1ml then ramped up every few days), 16ML a day, it was scary, but all I got was bacteria bloom and then I backed off when my corals started getting lighter looking. But now just 1ml maybe every other day now. It's not so critical anymore for me. I mix VSV together per glassbox's instructions. I'm doing 1ml on the frag tank every other day too, was doing it every day for about a month on that.
Well when I started I dosed A LOT (started at 1ml then ramped up every few days), 16ML a day, it was scary, but all I got was bacteria bloom and then I backed off when my corals started getting lighter looking. But now just 1ml maybe every other day now. It's not so critical anymore for me. I mix VSV together per glassbox's instructions. I'm doing 1ml on the frag tank every other day too, was doing it every day for about a month on that.

What is the purpose of it? Is it to improve the number of nitratify bacterias?
OMG Kenny! I did a 10gal water change yesterday, my arms and back are sore too. But I changed carbon/gfo too :lol:

Hey BTW, the Bellus pair are in my DT now, woohoo! They are happy and healthy, frolicking all over the tank with all my other fish. There was absolutely no aggression by any fish and they were eating after 1/2 hour. Now if my corals would start growing into mini colonies then the tank will be back to it's old glory like it was 5 years ago. Even took a video with my phone. Only had my vho/t5's on so the lighting is dim. Feel free to check it out but don't call the fish police on me!
