Pooky's 300

Even the shipping box is an embarassment and the contents isn't what the writing on the box indicates :hammer:

Yeah, but even that will upstage my stuff.

You too, Mark. Busy weekend ahead. The week of storm dumped a bunch of snow on Mt. Baldy right behind our house. A 20 minute drive and we are in a snowy wonderland. Taking the kids sledding so they get used to the snow. Can't wait to get back on the slopes for some skiing after taking the last handful of years off b/c of the kids. Maybe next ski season they'll be ready for their first lesson :D
The week of storm dumped a bunch of snow on Mt. Baldy right behind our house. A 20 minute drive and we are in a snowy wonderland. Taking the kids sledding so they get used to the snow. Can't wait to get back on the slopes for some skiing after taking the last handful of years off b/c of the kids. Maybe next ski season they'll be ready for their first lesson :D

That's awesome Kenny, I bet the kids are going to have fun ... and Dad too!
Kenny are those the new pinweels for your WM skimmer? Read that they were a pretty good upgrade.
Alrighty Kenny, what have you got there??? Don't be a tease, show the rest of your new toy. And for heavens sake, there ain't no shame man, lol!~

Let's see that new toy!!! :celeb3:

LOL......Thanks Dave. There ain't no shame here. I gave up trying to stay with the Marks of the reefing world a long time ago ;)

These are the Sicce PSK-2500 pinwheels that will replace the Sedra 9000's on the WM AS-300. Can't wait to see them in action.

Yep. They consume less energy and generate less heat. A win-win situation :D

Definitely. I was never a fan of the sedras. Don't get me wrong, they do the job, but there are definitely other choices out there for us. Nice upgrade :thumbsup:
Nice pick up Kenny! At one time sedras where king, but that was long ago. Still reliable but not as efficient as some of the newer pumps.
Especially the Dad :spin1: We are so looking forward to when the kids are old enough to take lessons so we can ski again!

Cool, skiing is a fun sport! We got burnt out on skiing in college as me and the hubby both raced, so now we snowmobile instead. We are thinking of trying a trip out West just to try out the new shaped skis as we have not been on the boards since like 1998!