Pooky's 300

Mark, it's a good feeling to finally feel comfortable knowing that the tank won't kill off the corals. Me, on the other hand.......... :spin2:
Droolworthy, Kenny :)

:rollface: We still have some bibs somewhere........

Looks great Kenny!!! Glad to see it seems you are done having issues:)

Thanks Stacie. It sure seems that way, at last.

Love the bright blue growth tip and great PE. So your angels don't bother this guy?

Not at all. Not this one or any other coral. Time for you to take the plunge :lol:
Something old......Still the brightest coral in the tank. No need to call the Fire Department. This is a self contained Wildfire :lol:

I remember seeing that piece when I came over for the first time and it absolutely was the brightest piece in the display. I acquired a piece from Richard I think at RAP last year and have nearly killed it twice, it's now just a small sliver. I can vouch that it really is that bright...great shot Kenny.
I remember seeing that piece when I came over for the first time and it absolutely was the brightest piece in the display. I acquired a piece from Richard I think at RAP last year and have nearly killed it twice, it's now just a small sliver. I can vouch that it really is that bright...great shot Kenny.

I have not touched that coral since the day I got it and that was a while ago. It's been at the same spot ever since. I guess there is something to be said for leaving the corals alone and let them do their thing. It's actually growing past the rock it's on and onto the large rock beneath. I guess it's almost time to share this beauty with some friends :D

Awesome piece for sure Kenny :celeb1:

Thanks Mark. How is yours growing out? Do you still have the Grinch or some of those other ones?
Thanks Mark. How is yours growing out? Do you still have the Grinch or some of those other ones?

I have a few polyps left of it in my frag tank, but it was one that the jocs used to hit so its in the shallow tank. I still have the grinch that I got from Jason, but I think its just another great marketing scheme ;)