No worries Eric. I have a 120 that was chopped down to about 100 for my sump and it's about half filled. Yeah, I have looked at Melev's site many times. Some great ideas. I still have to add a bracket to hold a couple of filter socks, very similar to your idea of filter floss. I like using filter socks b/c they'll trap anything 100 microns or bigger and you can wash/reuse them. I may put some live rocks in there anyways, not for the bubbles but perhaps as extra biological filtration. I am still debating that though.
LOL Jeffrey. My wife first rejected the idea without looking at the tank. She actually told me I could upgrade to a bigger tank, but when I showed her how BIG, she said "Are you crazy?" So I told her if I was to upgrade, there is no sense in getting something smaller b/c it's just not what I wanted. Then she came up with the brilliant idea of putting it in the garage. Well, here we are :lol:
As for temp control, I still have to insulate the garage door and that should help keep it a tiny bit in terms of more stable temps inside. The garage is finished so that should help. I am also picking up a used Deltec Eco Cooler from a local reefer soon. It uses very little energy but is very efficient, which fits nicely in my scheme of running this system as energy efficient as possible.