Possible ich?? Please help confirm. Thanks!




Took about a 1000 pictures to get the best quality, but sadly, this is the best I could do. My camera thinks its funny to focus so much that it goes past perfect focus and go to crappy focus.

I've never had ich before with any of my fish. Ever.

I've been rather rough with some other fish and just temp accumulated them and threw them in the tank. They are still alive. However, my little nemo I took true care for and did drip for about an hour + then temp for 20-30.

He's new to flake food too, so its taking him a bit to munch at it. But hes eating.

Do you think I have ich? IF so, whats my next step?
Clowns are not very prone to ick. They are good at battling it even when they have it.
I would not stress it at this point.

Try to get close up photos and upload to photobucket if still concerned
Look into brook also. Common with Nemo. Any symptoms? From the pics, looks like there is a faint white coating, looks almost slimey.
Cant tell even in your imgur files.

Are the fish hyperventilating, scratching, acting listless, not eating. These are also good signs of parasitic or otherwise infections.
BTW_ as Biggar stated Ich is not necessarily a death sentence. Some fish are good at fighting it, IF WATER QUALITY IS GOOD. and a good feeding regimen.
Btw, sorry for the terrible quality of photos. Its literally the best thing I can get to try to get the white spots. By looking at these pictures, its like I took the pictures with a shoe or something.
Looks like ich. Probably had it before you introduced the fish. Try using Dr. G's medicated caviar first. That may kick it in the bud. Also, make sure all your parameters are in check. Lastly, feed with garlic. That also helps with appetite. GL...
The flakes have garlic in them. I dont know how to DIY garlic with mysis( which ill buy for him ASAP in the morning. ) Any idea?

He bites at the flakes all the time, just doesnt eat them.

It probably did have ich before i introduced him. Like i said earlier, i've never EVER had ich before and I took extra precautions and stuff with my first saltwater fish.
Just add a few drops of Garlic additive that you can get at any LFS or DIY it by chopping up a small slice of garlic into a fine paste and mix it into the mysis. Keep it simple... Note: A little goes a long way... That is what i do to make my fish food using a variation of Rod's Fish Food. However, I would start with the Dr. G Medicated Caviar. I had a fish that had ich when I introduced it and within 24 hours it went away. I think you are up North but if you get down to the Coral Springs/Parkland area i will give you almost a full bottle of Dr. G Medicated Caviar as i have not used it since that new fish 3 months ago. YOu can check-out my tank as well.. Lastly, I have seen that stress also brings out Ich. if you see the other fish are picking on it you may need to remove it before it is too late. Just my 2 cents. GL
Its very important that the fish eats when sick. I would first rinse mysis cubes till thawed in small bore net, then soak in garlic for 30 mins.

I use seachem garlic guard. I would offer you some if you were closer, but its cheap.

If you cant feed the fish, then you have to next level. GL
Sadly, I checked on him this morning. He was dead. Very very dead. My first ever saltwater fish died because of ICH. It took 1 day from start to finish. I didn't think it was gonna be so bad, he looked decent enough, not excellent, just decent. I was going to go this morning at the break of dawn (because last night when I took the pics, the stores were closed).

So yeah. He died sadly. I am quite depressed. I just got fired from my job too yesterday so like, I want to make a successful reef so bad, but shoot.. Lifes hitting me with a bat!
For future consideration, I am going to quarantine every fish I ever get again. I am almost 10000% sure it was the LFS that sold me a sick fish ( I only had this fish, nobody else).

1. Not gonna buy anything but their .70cent water.
2. When I quarantine fish, (in my barebottom 10gl) If they are attacked by something, should I dose them with copper medz? Read about the 3 successful methods, hypo,copper,tank moving. I cant do tank moving and I dont have the experience yet to control saltinty as much. So copper treatment is my only possible.
are there any more fish in the tank? That was a lot of ICH - with higher temps, your tank could be an ich incubator. Needless to say, its best to let your tank sit fallow.
Pictures weren't good enough for an accurate diagnosis, but based on them and the timeline, odds are good for either Amyloodinium (velvet) or brook.