Post Your Tank Photos



Thanks for sharing. Your tank looks excellent. How long has it been up? I love how your sps has grown in.
just bought the XSi today..
heres one of my first shots out of the box of my 75g..
theres sand somewhere under all the zoos ;P
I do apologize, as my camera is crap (spend all my money on SW stuff/school/motorcycles), but I thought I should post pics sometime, so here goes. You can find all the pics I have so far at
Here are 3 of the best from that group:

FTS of the 125 gal Reef (no flash)

Some Corals on the left side of the tank

Blonde Naso Tang and part of the Purple Tang


Well I am still moving corals around but here is my fist full tank shot since it was set up in December of 08. The room the tank is in to small for a single pic so I tried to merge two pics. Thats why there is 1 1/2 vortechs in the middle. Not a very good merge but the best I could do.


Schweet One- cool snowflake. that leather looks huge!

Hirobo- nice scape, I think things will look great as your corals mature and fill out some of the open spaces. how did you secure your rockwork?

JR- wow- that is some prime ice zoa/paly action!!! all the contrasting colors work well with your lps.

Sean- Excellent fts. That is a beautiful clam you have there.

Candeewolf- thanks for posting your pics. Its great to have someone local contributing to the thread!

Joe- you have a stunning reef! How long has it been up? I like your selection of sps and how you scaped everything- I especially like the large blue colony on the left hand side. (what kind of acro is that?). That red acans looks great front and center too.

Once again, THANK YOU ALL for posting and sharing your reefs! It is great to have so many people contributing from all over.

Klepto this tank was setup in December of 08 but most of the sps have been with me for 2 to 3 years. The blue sps is a no name tort.

Thanks Joe