problem with flow


New member
I know this is going to sound crazy but I have a 40 breeder. I have been searching for a mp10 for the past 2 months and I have not had any luck with finding one.

I need to know if a koralie 3 and a mp10 might go good together or would you advise me buying a another mp10.

The reason why I ask this is because I have alot of millie's and acros that need a high flow rate.
when i started my 40B i had 1 non wireless MP10 and the tunze nano stream. I was also very unhappy with the flow simply because the 2 pumps where fighting each other. My solution was to buy the $40 upgrade to my mp10 to make it wireless and to purchase another mp10w. I also redid my rockwork so there is room for flow in the front and back of the rocks. I have to say the 2 mp10w running in reef crest mode in anti-synk mode is amazing. getting great flow now and all the critters seem very happy.

I know it's sucks to spend over $500 for 2 pumps but then again take it from someone who has tried the cheaper rout many times only to end up buying the right things after spending the money for the wrong and wind up paying almost twice what i should have in the first place.
yup i think that would be your best bet. I was just trying to say i went the other route myself and in the end went for 2 mp10w
and that is the problem. I was looking for a used one myself after 1 month I gave up and got a new one. TB aquatics has the best price for them that i could find.