Please make this a sticky!
AQD_ottawa, I have my Profilux Christmas Package on order, I have received an Optical level Control Kit as a gift. Other than this I know only that I wanted a Profilux controller but I know nothing about how to 'make it work'... I don't even have my tank yet. I was about to order the additional optical sensor and splitter (as you stated above) so that I can do ATO and AWC but when I called in the order I was told that I don't need 2 sensors to do this. Is there a reason you prefer using 2 sensors as opposed to 1? This is not about the expense of the extra sensor but it is about me beginning to understand how all this works!
AQD_ottawa, I have my Profilux Christmas Package on order, I have received an Optical level Control Kit as a gift. Other than this I know only that I wanted a Profilux controller but I know nothing about how to 'make it work'... I don't even have my tank yet. I was about to order the additional optical sensor and splitter (as you stated above) so that I can do ATO and AWC but when I called in the order I was told that I don't need 2 sensors to do this. Is there a reason you prefer using 2 sensors as opposed to 1? This is not about the expense of the extra sensor but it is about me beginning to understand how all this works!