Profilux 3EX-My Review and Set Up Guide

Not sure I understand your question Chris.
Socket naming and Illumination naming can be changed to anything you want. For example, socket 1 can be named as Tunze 1 and Illumination 1 can be named as Metal Halide 1

If you're asking if there's a way to change the coding in the email so that the message will show you what the switches are, there's no way to do that...unfortunately.

I haven't tried out the newest firmware so I don't know if the email feather has been expanded. To me, the controller is doing what I need so I rather not change it.
Not sure I understand your question Chris.
Socket naming and Illumination naming can be changed to anything you want. For example, socket 1 can be named as Tunze 1 and Illumination 1 can be named as Metal Halide 1

If you're asking if there's a way to change the coding in the email so that the message will show you what the switches are, there's no way to do that...unfortunately.

I haven't tried out the newest firmware so I don't know if the email feather has been expanded. To me, the controller is doing what I need so I rather not change it.

I'm looking for a way to change the coding in the email. I have no idea what S20 is versus S1. I'd like to put S20 = Heater, S1 = Return pump, etc.
I am looking into getting a Profilux and I just found this thread!

Shout out to the OP for creating this thread and showing such detail on the setup with screenshots and all!
It provides a regular joe like me a fighting shot at getting this controller up and running when I make the plunge into the world of Profilux.

I am looking into getting a Profilux and I just found this thread!

Shout out to the OP for creating this thread and showing such detail on the setup with screenshots and all!
It provides a regular joe like me a fighting shot at getting this controller up and running when I make the plunge into the world of Profilux.


You will love then the new look webserver with intergrated webcam page ;)
It is lovely indeed

Mine looks completely different than that. I don't have an overview tab. Is the page customizable?
And what is "my site"? I get an Error 404 when i click that tab.
Mine looks completely different than that. I don't have an overview tab. Is the page customizable?
And what is "my site"? I get an Error 404 when i click that tab.

"my site" You can develop your own web page and insert that into the profilux for viewing if you wish.
Some others have produced their own sites already!

The latest look was only released on firmware 5.17 and works quite well. Although I have noticed it is seeming to by pass the logon prompt, will have to test that better myself tonight.

But IMHO it is not bad and adequate for my uses at this time!
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Any info on " how to create a webpage that auto refreshes showing the tank parameters real time on a external moniter...say a tablet or PC moniter?"
Is that possible ?
Any advice would be great.
Thanks :)
"my site" You can develop your own web page and insert that into the profilux for viewing if you wish.
Some others have produced their own sites already!

The latest look was only released on firmware 5.17 and works quite well. Although I have noticed it is seeming to by pass the logon prompt, will have to test that better myself tonight.

But IMHO it is not bad and adequate for my uses at this time!

So is the above pic a version of "my site"?
I have the latest version, it's just not organized like that.

A bug for me, in both chrome and safari, is every time i click on the "sensors" tab it brings up an error and i have to reload the page again to get the sensor info to show. Every single time.
So is the above pic a version of "my site"?
I have the latest version, it's just not organized like that.
Can't post my view here, as I don't have access to online storage. To change the way the page is displayed, click on the settings button on the top RH side when in Overview tab!

A bug for me, in both chrome and safari, is every time i click on the "sensors" tab it brings up an error and i have to reload the page again to get the sensor info to show. Every single time.
Ok I have windows, so I have tried to download a recent copy of Safari and I can't seem to find anything. So can[t comment there.
Have the latest Chrome and it works OK for me.
Also tried on the latest of Firefox, Opera and IE and all works well?
The new look web page does just that!!
I suggest you look at the "User designed web pages for ProfiLux 3_V517.pdf : How to create user designed web pages for ProfiLux 3 and using tokens", and at the code in the pages on the profilux to see what the best method would be for you.

Hi Antipodes,
Thanks a million for posting the answer. Appreciate it a lot... :)
I went thru it....and there's lot of coding on there...I will need help to get this done...
Thanks again for replying.
Hi I'm on firmware 6.11 and am just learning the interface. Having some trouble using the level sensor to just turn off a return pump if water level is too low. I've set s1-s4 as my doser so my pab starts on s5. I've confirmed that my socket 5 works correctly. And I tried using the level sensor screen to program but not getting the results.


I've set it to sensor 1 and 5 in the type in section to signify socket 5, but not sure if that's correct. The sensor is working


But the socket is not turning off and off

How does this section of the level controls interact with the socket function screen?

Do I need to set S5 in the socket function screen to anything? In the SS earlier, there was a "water" function. But I no longer see that. I've also tried every other function but it doesn't seem to toggle the socket on and off based on the level sensor.

Thanks for help anyone can offer


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change used sensors to 1 you have it set as 5 so its looking for 5 sensors to perform this task. Also what function do you have the socket function set at in socket function control?