i dont know if this is the place to suggest software changes or not (or even if these options exist and im just not familir enough with it) but there are several things i would love to see.
--ability to work with software without having profilux connected to computer. this way i can play around with it, get familiar with it, and plan out different scenarios without having to take the unit offline. when i get everything set up the way i like, i can hook up the profilux, hit connect and load, and put the profilux back on the tank.
--plot pointing and graphing abilities. for those with their profilux hooked to a computer constantly, having the ability to have chosen parameters plotted and graphed constantly would be nice. this way we could watch trends and mark instabilities in our parameters. it would also be nice to then be able to export the plot points to a spreadsheet for storage without eating a ton of memory. and the ability to tell the program whether to plot and graph by the hour, day, week, month, or even year so we can put them together and see our parameters over time.