ProfiLux Plus III what do you want???

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How about a light and water sensor to mount outside your house to have the weather outside and the weather in your tank be the same?
With limits of course so if it's dark and stormy for a month your tank will only be stormy for a maximum of 3 days.
This may have been posted before but a back butten. I have just set up my new Pro II and do not no how many times i have had to press esc to back and start over. If there was a back button this would be easier.

Of course a puter nucklehead like my self may be the only one that makes mistakes.

When i get it hooked up to the puter this will be easier I spose.:D

apart from that a stubbie opener as well as beer on tap:p
In some hobbyist experience the most convenience way to connect computer and ProfiLux is WLAN than USB.
But I will suggest use the storage media to connect computer and ProfiLux that like SD card or other.
Because most people not place their computer near the ProfiLux, so they have to arrange a long signal cable to connect the computer and ProfiLux.
Use the storage media to connect computer and ProfiLux will be cheaper and convenience.
Hobbyist can set-up the control data in their computer and save in the SD card than move the SD card and put it into ProfiLux.
Thus the ProfiLux can avoid and reduce some disorderly cable arrange and smaller the ProfiLux host size.
Hope the next generation ProfiLux include this function.:D

BTW, I am an aquarium equipment trading company in Taiwan.
I hope can introduce the GHL products for Taiwan hobbyist.
Can anyone tell me how to I do or who I should to contact for trade.:confused:

Thank you!:)
dont know if this has been suggested, but i would LOVE to see a new view come out that had programmable buttons on it. the buttons would react according to how you program them much like the way the outlets on the powerbar are.

for example, program one to initiate the the feeding timer without having to navigate through the menu on the main unit, but use the main unit to define what happens during the feed cycle and for how long

another button could be programmed as an override for the lighting to either shut off the lights while they are on or kick them on when the timer has them off

these buttons could be programmed to do any number of things, but generally the things that you need to do quick and easy without navigating through the menus on the main unit and this way it gives the user the choice of what they have quick access to
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Yep on everyones high priority list for the PIII so much so it is hard to ignore the pressure for this to be a feature.

Current thoughts it will be an accessory as the PIV will be full head up.
J thats what I was just signing in to write lol. Having it so we can program what to do is such a HUGE feature
i just kept thinking when i was setting up my unit, man this is gonna be a pain to have to scroll through all of this to hit a feed timer, and theres many times when im working on the tank late at night that ill kick on the lights for a bit to see what im doing, and id like to be able to do that without reprogramming my timers. and it would be nice to interrupt the light cycle if i come home with a new animal and need to kick the lights off for a day to acclimate it

it does seem like a huge and very logical feature to have, especially since not everyones needs and wants are the same. this way we can personalize our units a bit
I hear ya and so does the man at the top.

I think there will be more info on this closer to the release date as too much is changing right now to give further info on the head up display in regards to changing technology
i dont know if this is the place to suggest software changes or not (or even if these options exist and im just not familir enough with it) but there are several things i would love to see.

--ability to work with software without having profilux connected to computer. this way i can play around with it, get familiar with it, and plan out different scenarios without having to take the unit offline. when i get everything set up the way i like, i can hook up the profilux, hit connect and load, and put the profilux back on the tank.

--plot pointing and graphing abilities. for those with their profilux hooked to a computer constantly, having the ability to have chosen parameters plotted and graphed constantly would be nice. this way we could watch trends and mark instabilities in our parameters. it would also be nice to then be able to export the plot points to a spreadsheet for storage without eating a ton of memory. and the ability to tell the program whether to plot and graph by the hour, day, week, month, or even year so we can put them together and see our parameters over time.
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GHL are very protective against their software due its amazing stability, and opening it up for anyone to use even if they dont have a ProfiLux leaves it open to prying eyes, I agree there is a wish for this and for marketing the idea is great but (and i could be 100% wrong on this) I think the reason this is not allowed is to help limit the accessbility to third parties.

Plot pointing etc etc will all come with the PIII later this year, the graphical aspects of profilux will be one of its big advancements in the industry
i got ya. i didnt even think about that, but i guess with everything there is always someone wanting to reverse engineer a great product and claim it as their own
all these ideas sound awesome one that i would really like to see is a audio out port so you could hook up a set of speakers and have better alerts and THUNDER for the thunderstorms as well as other sounds or verbal warnings that would be awesome in my opinion

And keep up the great work this is definitely the best controller out there
all these ideas sound awesome one that i would really like to see is a audio out port so you could hook up a set of speakers and have better alerts and THUNDER for the thunderstorms as well as other sounds or verbal warnings that would be awesome in my opinion

And keep up the great work this is definitely the best controller out there