Purchased some Red Macroalgae - Need ID and help with best conditions


New member
So I posted a while back with some purchases from Reef cleaners, which was some chaeto and other green macroalgae.

Now I've used Gulf Coast Ecosystems plants, and bought the green and red macroalgae starter pack. Here are some images of the red macroalgae that I need help identifying.






So far, #3 and #4 have started to turn a bit clear/light pink, and fall apart. I have them in the sump under a clip on CFL and LED lights for about 8 - 12 hours. I know there is enough nutrients in the tank bc I'm battling hair algae and cyanobacteria. The hair algae has actually started growing on the macro algae and I've had to shake it off bc I'm afraid of it choking off the plants.

Any help is much appreciated.
With your reds turning clear and falling apart, it could be your hair and cyano are outcompeting them for nutrients. Frequent manual removal should help tip the balance. Also reds don't need a ton of light. They tend to lighten in color under too much light, but not fall apart.