R/O Waste Water Uses

Lots of people seem to be using it for ponds. I wish I had a pond!!

Recently, I started using my waste water for washing clothes. Every time a water change happens, I coordinate a load of laundry. This is an easy way to utilize large amounts of waste water, and it reduces the need for waste w. storage.

I am proud to say that my waste is down to a gallon (if not less) for every gal of R/O.
People say "ohhhh R/O... that wastes SOO much water"... :hmm3: Not if you know how to utilize your resources it doesn't!

Water in my area (and in most I imagine) is only getting more expensive.

There are enough expenses in this hobby.. Water is one that I plan to manage responsibly.
How did you get it 1:1?
I have my concret pad in so in about 8 to 10 days i will be able to put the 350 gal tank on it and start to put waste water in it.The water will be used to wash the cars and put in the washer.
How did you get it 1:1?

I think he means that after he uses most of his waste water for laundry, he still has some left over. In other words, if he makes 10g RO/DI and has 40g waste water, he uses 30 of those gallons for laundry and has 10g waste water left over.
How did you get it 1:1?

I run the waste to a large rubbermaid and from there it gets used for laundry, the garden, rinsing wetsuits etc.
By running the RO after air temp (and ground water temp) has risen to a reasonable level the volume of waste produced is far less than if it were running anytime throughout the day/night. Keeping pre-filters regularly changed (particle and carbon) has also helped keep waste down.

I estimate that I am only "wasting" one gallon/per gal of RO based on the amount that I discard (usually because it is sitting for too long exposed to the elements). I think I am using probably closer to 90% of the rejected water- I just gave a conservative estimate.
Figured id add my 2 cents into this :O My dad's boss lives on the river and he has a pump which pulls water out of the river into a a pressurized system. Im not sure how it works i just know when the pressure drops the pump turns on and pumps more water back into the system which keeps it pressurized. This same setup could work with a 200g tank or so where the pump pulls the water into the pressurized system and then feeds certain things in your house.

But more on topic my waste water goes out the window inthe a water hose out in the middle of the yard but from what im seeing sounds like ill be feeding it into my fresh water tanks and topping off the pool during the summer and talking to my father about setting up something for the wasing machine cause with a family of five we do alot of laundry and i run a 125g display with a 50g sump and i make alot of ro di water ;)
has any body figured out how to run the waste water back to the ro unit...so you can reuse the waste water again and again..???

I have found a way,well sort of.I was speaking with an engineer that actually builds ro/di units for emergency situations/relief eg. Haiti and we wrote up a whole diagram.It was very interesting to hear and learn from someone that makes ro/di units on a large scale.
WHats needed:
2 Brutes
Booster pump***Important***

Basic operation-The water comes in through your main source.Waste water is gathered in the brute.Once that is filled you will need the booster pump to send pressurized water back into the ro unit.**Remember that we cant actually think of this as waste water** Its still drinkable etc.We will call it rejected water and because of that it has been filtered once and can easily be filtered again.Hope this helps.

NYDiesel could you tell me what kind of pads you used on the bottom of the plastic tanks to protect the bottom of the tank.
The refiltering idea is great, but it is worth noting that you will have higher TDS than your tap water and therefore eat through your filters/membrane faster. This can be a great solution for water sources with relatively low TDS to begin with. If you have a couple hundred or higher TDS you may waste more money on the filters than on wasted water. Of course, this only takes the costs into consideration.
i wish i could get a diagram of this, but my drawing skills stink, so bear with me on this, here is what i plan on doing

my ro is hooked to an autopoff system on a timer, that matches the evap of my 125, there is also a float switch that cuts the power to the ro selonoid in case the level in the sump gets too high, thats 2 safties for overflowing the tank, (hope i never have to find out if these safeties really work), currently the waste line goes outside the house to a 35gallon brute that ocasionally overflows into the flowerbeds it sits next to, i plan on installing a bulkhead into the side of the can and connect it to 1/2" pvc pipe and run it 50' to my garden that i put in last year for my girlfriend, this pvc pipe will be split several times and another length of pvc will run down each row in the garden, i plan on keeping this pipe as level as possible and drilling a small hole directly in the top of each pipe about 6-12 inches apart, as the brute reaches the bulkhead, it will fill up the pvc pipe and hopefully water the garden evenly. sound idea but ive got to get it to work.