Premium Member
Do you already have the UV Unit?
You want to plumb the UV into the return line of your system, put unions/union ball valves on either side for maintenance purposes. If you already have the unit, fab up a replacement section of plumbing the same length, with unions on either side.
When you need it, take out the replacement section and put in the UV Unit.
Hi Maxx,
I do already have the UV unit.... it might have been the first piece of equipment that I actually purchased for the build, a year or so ago

All of my plumbing will be completed with unionized ball valves. I hadn't even thought about simply building a section of piping to replace the UV if I wanted to take it out. It would definitely prevent the UV unit from requiring maintenance as worms and other life begin to grow over the bulb sleeve.
This is the exact reason I wanted to log things as I went, instead of simply posting the finished product. Thank you so much for the great idea!
I had a bloody algae bloom that lasted a good 2-3 months when I re set up my current tank... It finally went away on its own, when the system stabalised. Mind you, had I had a uv, I probably would have used it happily.
If it is going to be difficult to install, I would wonder if it is worth the effort....
This is my sentiment exactly, although, instead of a single 2-3 month bloom, I had several over the course of several months. The corals and fish did not seem affected at all by the bloom, but it was annoying to me. I purchased a used AquaUV (8W maybe?), and I just laid it down in my sump area with a MaxiJet900 feeding it. It cleared up the algae within a matter of a day or two, and I just turned it on if the bloom came back. Almost as annoying as the bloom itself however, was having the UV unit loose, hanging out under my stand. I wanted to avoid the clutter with this build, so just decided to build it in permanently with the plumbing. Maxx brought up a good point though - if I make a "dummy" section of piping, I can remove the UV, and replace it with hard plumbing if I ever get tired of it being on there.
Hopefully I wont need it with the planned extra LR in the sump, but I would rather go through some extra trouble now than not setting up a way to use it if necessary.
Thank you guys for your feedback and help! I was not able to make any progress today on the tank. I had to go into work early, as the big-wigs were meandering about. No progress this weekend either, as my girlfriend and I are headed to Marco Island to get away for a couple days.
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