Premium Member
I might black list both of them, with the "finding nemo" comment and what-not. I remember back to the days of old, to the first time I really saw a reef tank. I remember seeing a frogspawn, and saying something like "look at this cool anemone" :headwally: We have to be patient, as the subtle beauties of SPS that we have trained our eyes to see is acquired.
I had to take a dose of my own advice on Monday when we went to the fish store to get the first fish, and my girlfriends daughter swiftly decided that the Purple Firefish's name was going to be Sprinkes :hmm3: I have since come up with a list of banned fish's names, to include muffin, cupcake, dumpling, princess, and fifi.
I put the light on it a few days ago, but I don't have my Apex on the web yet, so my programming has been done through EcoSmart Live. The bottom will be kept pristine, as this is the way I maintain the bright white look of sand while staying true to the bare bottom methodology.
So far the BFC is a measly .154 . Once fully stocked I hope to be somewhere around 3.0. I have had the best results with heavily stocked bb tanks; they allow me to feed any time and amount I want, and keeps a steady supply of food for the corals.
Sprinkles is evidently camera shy......
It's pretty much a given that news of her daughter's banning will result in a cessation of all contact between my reef and anyone sharing her daughter's DNA :thumbsup:
I really think you can run a much higher BFC with a BB display after going bare bottom for months now. The fish get every particle of food by scouring the bottom for pellets etc after i feed and the water column is clear again. Sand hides and harbors big feeds to an extent i think because i wasn't feeding as much each feed as i do now when the sand was in and i was having nutrient issues. Pretty sure i'll end up around 2.0 and have to throw a bag of phos-zorb in the sump to stay there once the sand goes back in. No idea really but i do know the sand will change the nutrient balance i currently have.
I want you to know that i will not be regularly asking how Sprinkles is going so as to alert everyone new to your journal that you have a fish named Sprinkles............ :blown: