RBTA Farm Build

I purchased and tested T12, T5, T8, VHO and MH 250W over my Anemone tank. The tank is a Custom 24 x 48" x 10" built by GEO. I was convinced the T5 or T8 would be fine. However, after testing with the PAR meter, I was quickly convinced to go with MH175 or MH250 lighting and decided to run with the 250W.

My experience with cutting, healing and feeding while healing is that they tend to shy away from the light while healing, but under the stronger lighting, they did seem to heal at a faster rate, but then it could have been a one time thing. Still new at it and moving very slowly. We started with a very healthy specimen that has split and split and split over the years. Started with one, now with 4 - 4", going to cut two into four, one in half and leave the other alone. Should have results in about four weeks with the various growth rates.
I did not mean to take over and change the topic but some interesting results being shown about lighting and healing rates. Pretty cool stuff. :)
Any of you try leds?There are some $300 fixtures putting off nice par numbers.Ive got the same set up 50 gallon rubbermaid. Just trying to decide on lights and the leds would save on the power bill.
my experience with rbta farming:
9G nanowave with 2 pc lights, a small built in refugium with a light, no carbon. 40% waterchange once a month. i had a new nem every other week. they never got very large (2.5-3" max) but there were many of them and color was still awesome. selling them at a LFS for half the price they sell one at (which was at the time around $80 for a 2.5" one). i made some serious cash, yo. i think they split in accordance to stress, because i seemed to have a lot more the week after my monthly (sometimes bi-monthly) waterchanges. just my 2 cents... it worked for me.
i have had an nem tank since 94 and have had all lighting types on it
by far the best results i had were with a t5 set up
the most splits i had were with pc lighting
for what it is worth
I am not sure I understand. Can you expand on your message?

well basically

you are going to be cutting nems in half

when you so this you release lots of stinging cells into the water column

this goes into your fishs gills as its connected to your reef

they are either stressed and irritated or they die...

doesn't matter if you leave the nem in a bucket after its been cut, if it returns to that tub before its healed (which takes a couple of weeks) it will release bad stuff into the water...

you also have multiple nems from different gene pools which Calfo does not recommend as in his experience i believe they fight and stunt each others health and growth

on top of this there is also chemical warfare that will take place between corals and nems

honestly if i were you i would run it separate or do coral frags

this is like doing it in your main display, the last guy that did that (one of the first in nem propping) wiped his entire tank out - everyone has learned from this since
Its best to keep them away from clowns.Don't want anything bothering it during the healing process.
Does anyone know why RBTA loose there bubbles?? and is it possible to get the bubbles back once lost. And is there a specific food that will enforce them to bubble up again.
Does anyone know why RBTA loose there bubbles?? and is it possible to get the bubbles back once lost. And is there a specific food that will enforce them to bubble up again.

as far as i know that, right now, is hit or miss.

If this is impossible to do and make a profit than why did anthony calfo pull in over 80k a year with nems? I'f you keep at it i'm sure that you will make it!

and btw, for what its worth, in miami florida, and the surrounding area, their are online retailors that can buy more from you then actual stores. also, you could sell your own on your own website, shipping them all over the country for a higher price.

and finaly, you live in miami, cast net some anemone food! then its free!