Okay, it's been brought to my attention that some people find my post above to be abrasive. I definitely have the ability to come across that way, so I won't argue.
I am in agreement that going on the attack because a person has a less than perfect command of a given language is not acceptable here. We are, after all a global community. We are based in the US, and the language used here is English, but we welcome members from all corners of the globe.
Thing is, I didn't read it as an attack. I saw it as good natured ribbing, under the assumption that you folks know each other.
I have no reservations about contacting anyone that I feel has breached the TOS here, I'm sure that a few of you can attest to that, personally.
In short, it's not okay to belittle someone here. At the same time, this is the Internet, at times, a slightly thicker skin is needed.
At face value, "splitted" looks funny, and pointing that out does not have to have been done with any kind of malice intended.