Well for me they never worked. I never saw a reduction in nitrates or phospated, about a month ago I ask for help from the supplier and he contacted the company. From my gather these are not as easy to use as advertised. This was there response:
He mentioned 2 things...Firstly, he has a biomass build up that looked like hair algae! Secondly, the airstone would not stay at the bottom of the bag. Now, that airstone is very important. Firstly, it acts as a gentle oxygen scrubber. I found that bacteria and yeast grow at their fastest from young to "teenage" stages. Thereafter, the growth rate of the cells slows down massively. We do not want this! The oxygen that flows through the cubes is strong enough to pull the larger and heavier adult cells off and keep the colony "young" and growing at a massive rate. However, the oxygen is gentle enough that it does not abrade the cubes like NP Pellets in a reactor do and that is why the cubes are so much more economical and longer lasting than NP pellets. The cubes only erode from bacterial / yeast actions while NP relies on micro-abrasion in the reactor to do this. Now, when that airstone starts moving upwards, we are removing that mechanism that selectively brings more nutrient rich water into the cubes colony and removes the older, heavier, less productive cells which end up in the skimmer. Eventually, the airstone reaches the top and then the bottom is seeing virtually no nutrient rich water to keep feeding it and they have selectively cut productivity because they have all become adult cells...retired senior citizens if you wish. OK...but how do I know that the cubes did work...simple...the "brown Hair Algae" that is the smoking gun in this investigation. The cubes did work, but, some of it's specially designed "powers" were taken away from it, reducing productivity and performance. Lower nutrients caused the lower parts of the bags colony to die back in response as they could no longer support such a large colony without "food" in the form of NO3 and PO4 in the water. So...when we look mathematically, yes, he did buy the right quantity to solve his problem, but, he is effectively using far less than what is required to sort his problem out. He needs to tie those bags TIGHT...that airstone MUST stay right at the bottom.
So since then I have done as requested and even put a long air stone right under then to ensure getting the air contact on all the stones. I also up to 4000ml in 4 bags with an air stone in each. Now at almost a month after this response, I tested again just last night and still saw no reduction with nitrates at 50-40 and phosphates at 2.0.
At this point I am leaving them in since I have them but I just bought a bio pellet reactor and am going to be setting up bio pellets as I fell they will be easier to use than this product. I would have been happy to see even some reduction but nothing in my case.