Other companies are trying to use bacteria to do the work for them. What makes these cubes so unique? I am using yeast cells to do the work and not bacteria. Yeast is so much easier to work with and they are so easily manipulated. This is how I am able to break / bend the laws of nature like Redfield's Ratio. What I have done there is I used a nano particulated substrate that is titanium based. The yeast are able to take the titanium into the cells and they basically become "Cyborg" yeast. Half living biological organism and half synthetic nano particulated inert metal. Put the 2 together and you have an organism that behaves like a synthetic chemical, but, reproduces like a living biological organism. It also has a very basic "Artificial Intelligence" built into it because all organisms are programmed to survive. If there is enough nutrients to support the colony, they will grow the colony to that size, if the nutrient levels drop, the colony will die off to a size that can be maintained. This "Artificial Intelligence" control system is what makes the cubes last so long. Unlike pellets that get eroded through micro-abrasion in the reactors, cubes only erode through yeast cell consumption. This means that the product will grow or shrink according to your needs and they do this automatically without you needing to do anything and without any waste. Very basically put, within 11 days the cubes become self aware and start learning what your needs and habits are. After 11 days they assimilate the colony to what you need them to be. Unlike other products where we have to adjust ourselves and our systems to what that product requires in order for it to work, this is a product that will become what you and your system needs it to become. To do this with bacteria is almost impossible and you have to be really smart...and I have never been that smart to begin with! This is also the reason that the cubes need so much oxygen (apart from the gentle scrubbing action it provides) because yeast cells need oxygen, they do not operate very well under anaerobic conditions. This is why I stress the oxygen part so much and also where people make the mistake of using reactors to operate this product in. As long as you can feed oxygen into that reactor you will be fine, but, all reactors that are produced do not have this option. This was when the bomb method was born.