At first I thought they were definitely bad - I attributed them to the paling of a tricolor and also a green stag that I had. Now I'm not so sure. Both of the corals had experienced a minor bleaching over the summer. Didn't lose all their color, but definitely bleached a little. About a month or two after they paled, I noticed the bugs all over both corals. One was a smallish frag (tricolor) and the other (stag) was mid-sized colony.
Those were the only two infected acros at the time. I also had a pink mille and a wild colony (with crab) that were bug-free. Over the past 6 months since I first noticed the bugs, I have added about 10 more various frags of acropora. These are all colors - brown, orange, purple, tricolor, tan, yellow, green. I have noticed the bugs on a few of these frags, but have noticed no deleterious effects on the growth, color, or overall health. Even on the original green stag...I broke off a large portion of the slightly bleached area (where most of the bugs gathered) and left the still-colorful base to regrow. That coral still has the bugs on the base, but the polyps open and there is NO color loss. This coral does seem to be a bit stunted though, but it's also like a 7th generation frag...
I am led to believe that these bugs are merely commensal with acros and aren't at all killing them. A few of my frags have had them for close to 6 months without any ill effects. I realize I am not presenting any hardcore scientific data or astonishing gut pictures, but I just thought I would give my longer-term evaluation of them. JMObservation