Sorry to hear that David...Hey wait a minute, maybe you had them all along, and I got them from you

Anyway, I copied the following from another thread that I posted to, but this is my updated experience with the buggies.
Creepy Crawly's
As you may have read in other threads, I've got the bugs. After having them for almost exactly 7 months (I know the date they were added), I have reformed my opinion on these bugs. My original opinion was that my SPS were mostly doomed because I had many frags that got the bugs, bleached, and did not recover. I now believe that there were several other contributors to the stress on these corals, and that the bugs caused more stress which combined to kill the frags. I think without the other stressors, the frags would have been fine. I have many healthy SPS frags and colonies with the bugs. My observations are:
1 - The bugs aren't the end of the world. Most of my colonies and frags that have the bugs don't seem to be affected by them, even some of the blue ones.
2 - The only effect they seem to have is slowed growth in some of my frags. The most obvious is a 1.5" frag of A. horrida which is heavily infested. It has great color and good polyp extension, but hasn't grown much, if at all, since it got the bugs after being added in October. No corals have bleached, or lost tissue, etc due to the bugs, since my original problems. I do think the bugs irritate some of the more delicate Acros, but this can be remedied with higher flow.
3 - The bugs do not like high flow, and corals placed in high flow will have fewer bugs. Moving some of my more delicate Acros to higher flow areas has reduced the populations on the corals and they have colored up and begun to grow again.
4 - My corals with Acro crabs do have the bugs. They are not nearly as high of populations as some of the corals without crabs, but the bugs are there, none the less (this includes one colony that has 2 crabs).
5 - My Acro formosa has some bugs, but has shown absolutely no ill effects.
In conclusion, I now think of the bugs as similar to flatworms. They are part of the diversity of the tank, and I am not going to be able to rid myself of them. I think that as long as excellent conditions are maintained, the corals will be no worse for wear due to the bugs. This is in my tank, and your mileage may vary. The SPS in my tank thatdon't have bugs are:
M. digitada
M. capricornis
A. millepora
S. hystrix
P. damicornis
Porites sp
Hydnophora sp
Pavona sp
Stylophora sp
All acro's besides millepora have the buggies. I would always try to avoid getting them, but as I said before, I don't think it is the end of the world.