moved slow
Matt,about the clowns,my sister had 7 percs in a 37g tank,they did good together until 1 of them wanted the bubble tip to live in,then it got real aggressive toward the other clowns,killing a few of 'em....but that was a small tank and only 1 mated pair,and 1 of the other 2 are survivors of that....she had a 125g set-up and decided it was too much to care for with HOB equipment(I offered to drill it for her and install a sump system)she went to the 37g,she tore that tank down and started again with a 72g tank,had a small flood,got aggravated at it,tore it down and set up my old 150g which was drilled and reef ready.......she,like me,couldn't reach the bottom of it,got POed at it too....she's just gave up on the aquarium and went back to keeping bearded dragons,in her 125g...thats why I ended up with all her stuff....of coarse most of the stuff I have,she bought for me anyway