Reef Controllers - Should we start a group project?

Computer systems integrator here. May be outside my skill set but I'd like to at least put my name in the pot.

I also currently own a controller.

That being said, I'd like to be involved if possible. I can see some things that I like, dislike, etc. Maybe I can be of some help.

Thanks - later.
I'd like to help

I'd like to help

I'm a computer programmer. I don't have the expertise in this area, but I would love to learn. My reef is my current passion and add me to the list.
I don't know you would want to do this or not...but get the stuff patterned....just in case some company came across the idea and want to benefit from everyone's hard work......
I know the concept of this project is to share and improve....
I have currently been kicking around a moon light simulater that uses a rom chip and led's. I would love to help in anyway I can.

Kyle McClain
Would be more than willing to help in any way. I am primarly a computer guy with some programming experience, and a healthy desire to see better products available.

Count me in.

I may be bale to help witht he hardware side of it. Circuit design, fabrication etc.

I am running some tests on other reef equipment and stuff but have been looking into some form of controller in conjunction with a couple of other reefers up here.

I do have some ideas regarding a controller. One is using a pelltier device to perform cooling and heating of a tank. I haven't had a chance to test it just yet but am curious. Random power head operation is another. Not using things such as a 555 timer, want complete random cycles of on and off duration. Another idea is an interface board to a PC that does the actual controlling of vairous functions and mesurements. Then it will be a matter of setting up a board to measure certain probes and i/o for lighting control and such. As long as a probe or sensor outputs it's signal in mV it will be easy to write translation code for a software interface. Even working with PICs and PLC's could be another avenue.

As well I can write some code(highlevel) c, c++. plus do HTML work etc.

let me know.
We have 19 possible volunteers already. Now the trick is getting everyone's e-mail address and a forum set up to start this project off.

I'm working on both tasks, so please be patient. The creation of a forum for discussion is one of the most important tasks right now.
Re: All enthusiastic interested reefers can help.

Re: All enthusiastic interested reefers can help.

bstreib said:
If your interested and enthusiastic about the project I'm sure we have a productive job for you. After the project really starts we need proof readers, writers, people to do graphics, people to take pictures of completed modules, etc. So there will plenty of things to do for anyone who wants to be a part of the project.

Count me in then. I have been using X10 for a year.


My husband is an electrical engineer and has been toying with the idea of designing a controller for our reef. I know he's capable of doing it, he just doesn't have much spare time :) Since this is a group project I am sure he would have enough time to participate with the help of others :) I'll get him to post later with what he could help with specifically :)
I DIY with a passion -- and, since I'm also interested in playing around with electronics, I would love to see something like this come about. I actually have a friend who's assembling something like this right now; I'll let you all know how it comes out.

Some people say I can write pretty good (hehe ;)), and I'm certainly willing to lend a hand in any way I can. I'm sure a lot of us will chime in again once you folks have specific forums set up for that purpose!

I am game. I don't always have a lot of time due to my new 120 and the kids, but I will help out where I can. I am comfortable doing web programming although a little rusty since I am in management now...
Wow! I thought I was the only one who wanted to build one of these!!!

I am a very good programmer with some breadboard stuff type experience too. I can handle all the interface design and higher level programming, however I think finding people to help there won't be hard. I can do some circuitry and most of the assembler, low level stuff, if you need me for it.

Rather than starting with anything too complicated, I think we should start playing around with various materials to build the probes. Once we have a probe, we can figure out how to hook it to a PC and get accurate readings.

We also need a device that can turn a standard voltage outlet on or off with a low voltage signal. Similarly we need something that can turn on and off a plumbing valve electronically.

The key point is not just building a controller, the key is building a controller that is reliable, cheap and relatively simple in design.

Lets make this project "open source" meaning anyone can read how we built our work, contribute ideas, and add components.

e-mail: if you want me to work on something that will help you, or if you built a probe.
Well, I am really a jack of all trades, master of some. I would probably be most helpful in the testing, actual building of proposed controllers. Make sure it is really DIY. I have a basic understanding of electronic components, but might get lost when it comes to digital circuits. I would be more than happy to build a circuit if someone designs it. I'm thinking Radio Shack breadboards and off the shelf components. We should probably be thinking Radio Shack here. I could also try to design an enclosure for the final connections to individual devices - relays for line voltage devices. Not much free time, but willing to help where I can. What are we trying to control specifically? I am not familiar with the Aquacontroller. Just water flow, or a scalable system that could run the entire tank: Make up water, ph control, heat/cooling, etc?
Well as my wife (Mia1974) mentioned I am an electrical engineer who's been toying with this idea for several years and have investigated several methods of implementing such a design. I have worked on several large multi disciplined projects from start to finish and I can help specify the design flow and what is actually required to get this project rolling smoothly.

While I can't offer any web space or cheerleading (which it seems you have enough of) my areas of experience are the following:

- ARM, PIC, AVR, MSP430 and various other microcontroller programing in both assembly and C.
- analog, digital, RF, power and interface circuit design.
- EDA design entry and PCB layout/fabrication.

In other words; low level system design, integration and debug.

The first step has begun, identifying skill sets and resources. I'm sure that with the pool of resources that lurk at RC that this project will be a success.

May I suggest....

May I suggest....

that we start a new thread and a poll dedicated to the features that people would like to see in the controller to help organize things.
