Reef Controllers - Should we start a group project?


New member
I've seen numerous posts out there about DIY reef controllers/automation tools.

Since many of us have the necessary skills to design one of these, and several of us have already started, why not pool our efforts?

I'm thinking about leading a project where several of us could design a multipurpose reef controller and make the plans available on reef central.

The project would probably involve several steps:
1. Deciding what features would be incorporated into the controller.
2. Dividing up the work to develop each piece/component.
3. Sharing the development work on a web site.
4. Individually building the finished controller and testing the work.

Is there any interest in this type of project?

If so, please indicate your willingness to participate and the skills you could bring to the group. If enough people want to do this, I'll organize the group and get the process running.
I have no skills in this area but would love to help out with such a noble idea. Perhaps you could use some of my web space to post all progress.

Just a thought. I would love to help any way I could.
While I have no useful skills to be part of the team, I'll definately be your cheerleader. I think it's a great idea, and with all the passion and intelligence of the RC members it should also be a great success. GO TEAM, GO!!
alligator ,

I would love to help. I have 1200 Gallon reef with web inteface to the aquacontroller. My work is in automation and integration with software. I have lots of integration ideas and automations stuff.

let me know how can I help.

would love to help too

like i am gonna pay over 300 for an aquacontroller...kiss my what??

lets do it.
Here are the initial areas where I see a need for expertise:

1. Electronic circuit / schematic design
2. Integrated circuit & processor selection
3. Human interface design
4. Communication between components
5. Programming (specifically integrated circuits)
6. Opinions on feature selection
7. Web design (to share the results from various components).

Are there any more volunteers out there? We don't have very many yet. I had hoped more people would volunteer their efforts if the chunk of the project was small enough.

I see about two people per area of expertise as a good number - this cuts down the work and acts as a reality check.

Are there any other areas of expertise we need? Once we get enough people, we'll start brainstorming what the minimum features should be.
I would like to at least help in the web design and hosting.

I just sort of dabble in it but would love a project.
I'll continue to push this, it's something I really think could be a great project (and blow the $300+ controllers away)!

Still, we need more people to participate and volunteer their time. As soon as I can recruit a few more people, I'll collect e-mail addresses and start the project running.

Come on people - you know you want to join. If not you, then who?
i know a computer programmer. he could help, he has a reef and visits here once in a while

maybe my Elec. Eng roomie would help

a thought

a thought

would it be cheaper and less expensive to design something that could be hooked to a serial port and controlled by a PC and utilize Visual Basic for programming code?

in other words come up with a box to house the whole thing
and be programmed and set to run on any pc using the pc's strength and not having to design a self contained programming setup????
Since most reefcentral folks have a a pc...well I will say at least 95% PROBABLY do then this might be a good approach to think about in your design.

this is not my area of expertise but the idea popped into my head
I am currently learning VB but I feel I am not proficient enough to be of any assistance.
Re: a thought

Re: a thought

CleveYank said:
would it be cheaper and less expensive to design something that could be hooked to a serial port and controlled by a PC and utilize Visual Basic for programming code?

in other words come up with a box to house the whole thing
and be programmed and set to run on any pc using the pc's strength and not having to design a self contained programming setup????
Since most reefcentral folks have a a pc...well I will say at least 95% PROBABLY do then this might be a good approach to think about in your design.

this is not my area of expertise but the idea popped into my head
I am currently learning VB but I feel I am not proficient enough to be of any assistance.

Isnt that what the X10 things do?

I am game for this project. I currently use a old PLC to run my lights and stuff. Basaicaly it just turns them on and off by activating a series of relays. I got it for free which is why I am using it, :lol:
I am in the Validation line of work but have no clue when it comes to loop shooting and PLC work. By training I am a microbiologist but will lend a hand with whatever needs to be done. Will even send money to help subsadise this project if it is going to come true.

Hi Alligator and everybody,

I would like to help with the project. I have been involved with several other attempts to design a controller over the web. Unfortunately the never came to completion, maybe we can pull it off this time.

It sounds like a wonderful project and would like to give you my support. This has been a pet project of mine for sometime. I have involves several projects in the past and I currently supply hardware applications to ReefCon2000.

Now to play devils advocate, there are several things that can destroy this project before it starts. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the RAMAR project from a few years back that attempted the same thing and then went bust, with a lot of people with hurt feelings. To make a project like this work we need to have a few things in place before we start.

1. The project needs to have some written guidelines on what we are going work on. Only these goals will be worked on at the beginning. Other things can be added from the wish list after the basic model is functioning. RAMAR changed courses too many times before anything was ever accomplished.
2. We need to have a project lead, which will make the ultimate decision for the project. The project needs open debate and disagreement to consider all alternatives. Someone has to make the final decisions.

3. Project lead has to appoint department heads to run various task groups. Programming, hardware and testing are the first to come to mind and others added as the need arises.

4. It would be nice to have an FTP site somewhere where all data is available to project members. A message board is another nice to have thing for all project members. A website would be fantastic.

5. Periodic Chat schedules should also be planned so everyone knows where we are and what we are doing.

Now a little about me. I'm a DIY'er. I started the book on automating aquariums systems, which is now being published on The ReefCon2000 web site. I use X-10 modules for most of my control. I have found a way to incorporate ladder logic into X-10 to make the system smarter. This requires modification of the X-10 module so it can react to the sensors [makes them smarter]. I have developed a few DIY sensors for use in aquariums. I have found a commercial inexpensive 4-channel datalogger. They run about $15.00 in single unit quantities and the software costs an additional $15.00. These prices are U.S.

Now some nice to have things in the software would the ability to look-up values daily from a table and insert into the X-10 command program. This is the biggest problem I have currently with my experimental tidal surge project. I have 16 different tidal events occurring daily based on the lunar position for a specific lat./long.
If you all decide to move forward with this project, I would like to be a part of it. I will do what ever I can to help you become successful.
Please keep me informed. My e-mail address is
Sorry this post is so long.
I would love to join in on this project but I am afraid I don't really have any expertise to contribute. I am extremely interested in learning about this though. One thing I can contribute is webhosting for $7 a month. :)
Alright! It now looks like we are getting a small group of people together.

bstreib - In response to your comments, I completely agree. I had actually planned to distribute written guidelines so everyone knows how this will proceed and what will be expected of them.

I also agree about the project lead. Since I proposed establishing this group, I'll take the lead until I can put together a small "board" to make the ultimate/final decisions. I fully intend this project to carry on should any one of it's participants be unable to participate (including myself). I want this project to succeed for the sake of the reef keeping community.

We have several people who have volunteered web space and/or site design skills - so we will probably start there to establish a permanent place to post results and notices.

I'll start collecting information about people today. Please watch Reef Central for a personal message.

Together we can accomplish anything we desire! Our success will depend on everyone's help!

I have no skills to offer, I'm computer illiterate. But, perhaps John would be willing to set up a temporary forum for this project. That would help keep info together and allow people working on this project to more easily communicate. Second choice would be to move it to the advanced topics forum so it stays visible longer.

I can program PIC microchips, as well as high level computer code (VB, C, C++, HTML, etc). Electronic circuit design is possible but strictly limited to specific areas...
All enthusiastic interested reefers can help.

All enthusiastic interested reefers can help.

Hi All,
I'm sorry some of you feel you have nothing to offer a group or project like this. I DISAGREE!! If your interested and enthusiastic about the project I'm sure we have a productive job for you. After the project really starts we need proof readers, writers, people to do graphics, people to take pictures of completed modules, etc. So there will plenty of things to do for anyone who wants to be a part of the project.
Sorry Alligator for stealing your thunder but I hate to lose enthusiastic volunteers because they don't feel techie enough.