Reef Controllers - Should we start a group project?

EE with 20 years hardware design experience. I can handle the circuit design, schematic capture, possibly lay out a pcb but I don't own a tool for that. 10 years programmable logic design, CPLDs, FPGAs, ASICs, etc. I have embedded processor and DSP design experience, Motorola, Intel, etc. I can handle power supply design,... Hey, beginning to sound like my resume here! :smokin: I'm very interested and would like to be considered to head up the hardware design end. I have plenty of SW in my background as well :D . Let me know if I can help.
I'd like to throw my hat into this ring if I may. I really don't have computer skills to add to the project, but I'm a DIY kinda guy and I would love to have an oportunity to be a part of this.
Count me in.

Count me in.

Ok, I don't have an impressive resume as some other people but I'll have a BS Electronics Engineering degree by June 2002. So anything along the lines of my major (PIC programming, assembly language, digital circuit design, etc.) I'll be willing to do. So count me in.
I, too, would love to help out. I have an EE from Texas A & M, but it has been many years since I have made a circuit board. I still remember how though. I know the hardware end as well. I build computers for friends and family. Mostly, I work on cars ( the sensors and computer systems) now. I am so much into DIY that I built my own tank. And I am greatly interested in Aquarium Controlers.

I would also love to contribute to this project. I am a software engineer... so I would be very comfortable helping out on that end. Possibly, I could help design the GUI interface for this project.


I'm an X-10 but this does cause problems in some other locations. Creative individuals that think outside the box are always wonders to me and a lot of others. Good show richwill, you have a standard to match or beat.
So many EE's and SE's and not even one ME? I would like to help out from the mechanical side. I have been involved in a multitude of automation projects over the years and have a CAD system I can use to design mechanical components and housings, etc. Let me know how I can help.
Please count me in. My background is Electromechanical mostly. I have worked in design, manufacturing and Testing of all sorts of equipment from Apache helicopters to Particle Accelerators. I prefer mostly to work at a systems level, I am also a DIY kinda guy for my reef stuff, I just finished plumbing up all of the equipment for my new reef this weekend. I think that Reef ayuh and I would make a good team in testing and packaging the system. See if it really is something that can be built and used effectively and safely by other Reef people out there. Let me know what and when, I'm in.

I truly have no appreciable skills in this area, but would like to take part. Please let me know what I may be able to contribute to this venture (if you need doors or windows built, or a race car prepped, then I can be a valuable asset!).
I too would love to get involved in this project. I'm a Sr level Database Engineer with VB, ASP, SQL Server, Oracle, HTML experience. I have been looking at the stuff on this type of thing and have been toying with writing something like this for the past 6 months or so.

Let me know how I can help!
I would be interested in helping out with this project. I am a "DIY'er. Wouldn't have it any other way. I have some breadboarding, Autocad, manual milling and limited Cnc milling skills. Let me know what I can do to help. I would do most anything to help out the team.
This sounds like a wonderful project. if I can help I will.

I am an outside the box sort of guy, if you look at my other posts you will see what I mean, I design and build, I wouldn't know a resistor from my sister , or a motherboard from an ironing board.
But if you need some mechanical stuff then please do not be afraid to ask

What we really need is for someone to organize the project!

I tried leading it, but it basically fell apart. The other members who also agreed to lead it also appear to be silent.

Is anyone willing to reorganize the group and keep it alive?
I think this project "fizzeled" out because of the "coorporate" attitude that seemed to exist. Many people were willing to help that were left out of the project. I am sure there are alot of people that still want to get into this project so if those issues could be resolved you may see the project take off a little more.

Relax 'gator... ;) Not an attack on you personally... No, I am not volunteering to lead, it is not a position I wanted then, or now. I believe that should be left up to someone with more experience in these areas than myself. Just makeing some observations that others had as well.

The project isn't for making money, nor is it for fame. The idea of the project (at least from my perspective) was to make something that all of our fellow reefers could enjoy (and that includes the project itself). I believe that this could be done, even with the same people.

I never took it as an attack, I'm just trying to convince someone to step in and pick up the project to keep it going.

I'm serious that I want this to keep going, but I can't find anyone with the time to make it happen.
Hey I aint a programmer but I do dable in design

I can offer you webspace about 150Mbs and about 10Gig worth of transfer

I can set up a forum and possible a few other things for everyone who works on the project to talk together.

I can even give you a sub-domain name.

Email me if you want (
this sounds like a great idea.... anyone wanna fire this back up???

i have the skills... see occupation:D

i am new to saltwater aquariums, but can get the electronics done... any interest, I will lead!