Reef Life

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Hi Doug, welcome! Reef Life's new store is at the corner of Pine Island and Griffin and it's the same store you are referring too, just MUCH bigger and nicer. They also have a 10% off everything sale going on right now I believe. They are open til 8 during the week, that's convenient to stop by after work.
I started colelcting corals and LR in early 04

I'm sure I know what you mean, but be careful how you say this. Collecting of corals and LR is illegal, meaning you cannot go get them yourselves from the ocean.

Other than that, welcome!!! Make sure you find me at the next meeting and introduce yourself. Drop me a pm and let me know what kind of frags you're looking for, I'll kick in a freebie for a new tank.

Ditto on the live rock. Pat's always had the best life on the live rocks. I've seen people get rock that was just amazing. Most of my rock came from Beverly's (pines blvd) real cheap, okay color, nice shape, but little to no life. Then I found out Pat's rock wasn't much more for much nicer. I still have one piece (I can't remember where any of the other rocks came from, but I remember his) It was a largish rock with a few hidey holes, and a nice little gorgonian growing straight up. That was about a year and a half ago. It started as a single "finger" about 3 inches long. Now it has 4 "fingers" about 9 inches long each, and several buds on the rock threatening to become larger. When I move my tank, I'll be re-doing the rockwork.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8148918#post8148918 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ludwigia73
I'm sure I know what you mean, but be careful how you say this. Collecting of corals and LR is illegal, meaning you cannot go get them yourselves from the ocean.

Just wanted to clarify a little..collection of all live rock and hard corals is illegal. Some corals can be collected legally, but read the laws before you go.
Dropped by the New Store "Reef Life" Today had to pickup a few odds and ends, plus check out the new store. Have to say nice layout...corals and fish all looked great. Got to meet up with Pat.....Nice me with what I needed. Will be making several trips over that way to stock up ny new tank.....
Thanks Pat
BTW The locking Aqua Tongs worked out great....just what I was looking for
The new layout is awesome. Love the setup of the store. The clowns were were looking at were about $5 more a piece then the BR right next to us, so we passed on buying them. I like the coral tank but didn't really understand it. Are there going to be prices and names marked on it? I like visually browsing instead of having to ask what the price is for nearly everything.

It's a bit of a hike for me so not too sure if I will be making more trips down there. Pat wasn't there so I wasn't able to speak with him.
Well, I just came back from the keys with my trunk full of LR that I collected while snorkling. Great pieces. I am going to stop by Reef Life to see if I can trade it in for some corals. I must have a few hundred pounds at minimum as the tail of the car is almost dragging. I also have a bunch of corals I picked up, but most are so big and attached to rocks. I'll see if they want to trade them too. I don't care if it is ilegal so long as I don't get caught!!

Just kidding :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think I was there the day the opened the new store. Was driving by the old one and decided to stop. They had moved, so I had to check it out. Very very nice store. The layout and the new tanks are certainly a huge improvement from the previous store, which served its purpose too. Selection has been extremely good always. Prices are a little higher than I would like, but you can't have the cake and eat it too. From time to time they have frags offered, which I seriously would hope was more often. Some of us like to grow the stuff you know!!!

It has always been beyond me why people feel the need to compare and contrast between stores. They all have their pros and cons. If you don't like it, just don't go.

Best of luck to Pat with the new store.
My appologies for the price foul up on the perculas. I was driving and trying to read my invoice at the same time. I misalligned the numbers. The percs should have been quoted at 16 and not 22. My bad. :(. As for the coral tank, we have no intention of writing prices on it. From years of experience with water spillage wipe ups and acrylic, everything ends up smeared and writing all those prices takes a couple of hours. We will try to get a clip board up soon that will give you a better idea of prices. Otherwise, we don't mind answering a hundred questions as long as you don't leave with any unanswered ones. I have one guy on vaction and we don't usually get shipments on Saturdays, or there would have been more people there to assist you.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering why they were 22 when everyone says the great prices that you have there. I hope my post didn't come off as me downing the store. Are you expecting any true percs any time soon Pat?
I'm trying to get some out of the Red Sea early the week after next. Gearing up for MACNA, only getting in SPS this week. I don't have a problem with your post is was an accurate account of your visit.

I think you can understand how easy it is for word to get out that a store has high prices if one or 2 items are accidentally mispriced, or if an item is correctly priced but doesn't fit into the buyer's plan of bargain basement shopping. Then there are those who want to pay as little as possible even if it means the shop owner has to sell it at a loss, just so long as it fits their budget, and if you don't give it away then your some kind of rip-off. I'm making a point here so follow me. ;) Now that same person, get's in on a frag swap and offers their own frags for sale. Do you think that those frags are a.) fairly priced b.) moderately priced or c.) e-bay stratosphere priced?

If you said a.) you are euphoricly delusional, if you said b.) there's hope for you and the rest of the human race. However, unfortunate the answer is c.

The new craze is to charge what an e-bay bidding auction would get bottom line without the risk of a low bid. Sellers at every level (individual, retail wholesale) are trying this method of profiteer marketing of their "rarities".

I abhor it and don't practice it. I use a simple mathmatical calculation, cost x 2 = price, across the board. I have learned very recently that a store in close proximity to mine is selling zooanthids in minute frags for collosal prices and defends the practice by telling customers that these are what they sell for on e-bay. Gee, teriffic, then sell them on e-bay and quit trying to rape your customer base. Otherwise, they'll become someone else's customer base.
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whats the exact address of reef life so i can look it up on mapquest, i have off today and am going to take a ride up there.

any info is appreciated
I don't know the address, but it is on the SW corner of Griffin and Pine Island. You can't miss the plaza.

Jess, I am going to pm you.
I went over today for the first time, and it is a very nice store, someone needs to go buy their mystery wrasse, it is beautiful, and it has a great price.

Felix B.
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