Reeferhead's 60gal Softie/Jawfish Build


Recovering Reef Addict
Premium Member
I decided to start a new thread for this rebuild of my 60 gallon mixed reef into a softy dominated jawfish species tank. The thread for my 150 SPS build is here:

This Glass Cages tank will replace an acrylic tank of the same dimesons I built myself which after six years was ready to blow out at any minute. The odd dimensions are the result of some really terrible planning on my part. I originally built the 8’x8’ bookcase/stand with a plan in my head to just house a small 28 gallon bowfront tank Beth and I had setup in our old apartment. However, at the last minute I decided to build a tank as big as possible to fill the space available.

<a href="" title="Untitled by nickgrant79, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="" /></a>

The old tank was a nightmare. Everything was DIY (tank, skimmer, stand, etc) and while I learned a lot of important lessons in the process of building the old tank, I think the #1 lesson I learned was that not everything is worth DIY. ;)

The new setup will house all my zoas, rics, and other softies as well as about six yellow headed pearly jawfish. I may throw a wrasse in there to keep the zoas “clean” but that’s it for fish. I think jawfish are one of the most entertaining fish out there and they’re even more fun to watch as a group. I spent a fair bit of time observing colonies of them in Roatan last fall. So much so, that my dive group got a bit away from me on more than one occasion. :spin3:


Tank: 33”x17”x24” Glass Cages Starphire Front, Left Rear Corner Overflow, 1.5” drain, 1” return

Lighting: 24” 6 bulb ATI Sunpower T5

Skimmer: Skimmerless or Bubble Master 150 (haven’t decided yet)

Circulation: Vortech MP40W ES

Controller: Neptune Apex (shared with 150 gallon tank)

Sump: 20 gallon glass tank w/ a couple baffles

Return: Water Blaster 3000

Heaters: 2 x Eheim Jager 150 watt

Frag tank: 17”x17”x6” (from old system)

GFO/Carbon: I hooking up a phosban reactor to my return, not sure yet if I’ll use it for GFO or Carbon or at all

Substrate: 5-6” mix of Tropic Eden Rubbly Reef, Crushed Coral, and Dry Rock Rubble

As always, I would appreciate anyones input
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The start of a really simplified sump:

<a href="" title="Untitled by nickgrant79, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="" /></a>

Last night I built the rock wall to cover my overflow. This will be the only aquascaping in the tank and will provide a platform for all my softies. The rest of the tank will be open sand to provide as much space as possible for the Jawfish. Its built with marco rock, black eggcrate, zipties, and thorite cement.

<a href="" title="Untitled by nickgrant79, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="" /></a>

<a href="" title="Untitled by nickgrant79, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="" /></a>
Looks sweet man, when you get a chance can you explain how you are controlling both tanks with the Apex? Is it just giving you pH and Temp? Or something more complicated? Thanks
Circulation: Vortech MP60W ES

Something tells me that that's supposed to say MP10, otherwise all I can envision is a pearly jawfish snow globe. :D

Have you thought to put something over the overflow so you are not retrieving jawfish from the overflow or sump regularly? They are notorious jumpers, I once found one that had made it through a 1/2" hole a good 10' away from the tank.:lol:
Nothing really complicated the Apex is very expandable. As long as you have a long enough USB cable you can hook up as many tanks as you like. You can add almost a limitless number of outlets, modules, and probes. On the 60 the Apex will monitor pH and Temp and control the heaters, lights, fans, return pump (for feed mode), etc. I'm hoping the wireless signal for WXM will reach the new tank's Vortech as well (its mounted behind the 150) in the other room, we'll see.
Something tells me that that's supposed to say MP10, otherwise all I can envision is a pearly jawfish snow globe. :D

Have you thought to put something over the overflow so you are not retrieving jawfish from the overflow or sump regularly? They are notorious jumpers, I once found one that had made it through a 1/2" hole a good 10' away from the tank.:lol:

Whoops should have said MP40 actually. The MP10 won't work on 1/2" glass, so I'll just have to crank the MP40 down a bit.

I always cut out acrylic covers for my overflows but I've also always wondered why the don't come standard with the tank?
After seeing that mp60 on kraash's tank, I'm sure it was just a Freudian slip.

You would think that at least one tank manufacturer would have thought to add overflow covers or make it an option.
Nick, have you thought about Dusky Jawfish instead of Pearlys? I have a Dusky in my tank and, despite the drab coloring, I like him a lot more than any Pearly I've ever had. He's definitely the "showpiece" of my tank.

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Duskies are cool but they're also a bit bigger than the Pearlies and I would like to have as big a colony as possible. I've always had a personal love for Pearlies and have seen the densities they maintain in the wild so I know I can get away with having so many in such a small space.
Good point. Jawfish are a favorite of mine and when I win the lottery, I'll have a Nook sized tank with a ton of them:)
<a href="" title="Untitled by nickgrant79, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="" /></a>
It took about 3.5 bags, I have 2.5 bags left over. I mixed in a bunch of rubble, gravel sized pieces, and shells throughout. I think I'm going to buy a small bag of crushed coral to add. They should have plenty of building supplies. Its been at least eight years since I ran a DSB.
I love the rock work for the overflow! I can imagine setting at the table cracking up at the fish as they steal rocks from each other :D

Do you have to cure the thorite rock work like you do regular homemade rock?
I love the rock work for the overflow! I can imagine setting at the table cracking up at the fish as they steal rocks from each other :D

Do you have to cure the thorite rock work like you do regular homemade rock?


Yeah, it should be an entertaining tank!

Supposedly, thorite isn't as bad at raising pH as portland... we'll see. I didn't use that much so I'm hoping for the best. ;) Most of what I read said it shouldn't be a big issue.