Reeferhead's 60gal Softie/Jawfish Build

i have seen different on my daughters nano cube, no skimmer and everything looks great even the few zoas in there. Tank only has 18 watt 12k bulb and mushrooms and rics look great.

Yeah, I think I'm going skimmerless on this one. I may just grow some chaeto with the space left in the sump. If I decide later to use a skimmer, the room is there.
I don't run a skimmer on my 65 and I have sps and they're still really colorful and my zoas grow great. I don't have anymore softies in there other than a couple of gorgs.
Good news (well kinda), turns out my pH probe was just bad. Its pretty old and its been left out of water for a month or so. It calibrated right so I figured it was ok but its definately drifting. I double checked with the probe from my 150 and the pH is actually 8.18, alk is now 10.5.
Put a pretty large CUC from Reef Cleaners in this weekend. With no skimmer or GFO in the tank and all that bare white dry rock the hair algae went nuts. I had literally a meadow of 8" long strands covering practically everything, quite impressive actually. Even more impressive, the CUC (mostly the hermits as far as I can tell) have wiped out nearly half of it already. Once they finish I'm going to start transfering over softies. Should have jawish in the tank by June.
Put a pretty large CUC from Reef Cleaners in this weekend. With no skimmer or GFO in the tank and all that bare white dry rock the hair algae went nuts. I had literally a meadow of 8" long strands covering practically everything, quite impressive actually. Even more impressive, the CUC (mostly the hermits as far as I can tell) have wiped out nearly half of it already. Once they finish I'm going to start transfering over softies. Should have jawish in the tank by June.

was this more of the marco rock you used in your 150? do you think that it is putting phospates into the water or do you think this is an effect from the stuff you used to glue the rocks together. if not those what is your guess
Yeah, it’s the same rock. I believe the algae is a result of high nutrients due to the cycle and bare rock on which to grow. Nuisance algae can always get a faster start on "bare soil", so to speak. Its a natural succession thing, IMO. Case in point, the established LR I'm using to seed the tank barely has any HA on it.
Here's what I'm talking about. The hermits have been working systematically from left to right. Last Friday all the rocks were completely covered.

IMG_5804 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
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Might need a seahare if it doesnt start getting better. They will normally cleam it up pretty quick but if you run out of algae dont leave them in there much longer as they will starve.
Thanks Chad but seriously it was twice as bad just three days ago. I'm confident it will work its self out with the CUC I have.
LOL I thought you were saying a cucmber was eating the algae well atleast you understood where I was coming from and my suprise. Carry on:D
Can't get the link to work on here, it converts it for some reason. Anyways, you can G**gle algae scrubber and see what I'm talking about. In theory, this seems like an awesome thing to have. The guy who produces them feeds blended seafood (with a doser) every 30 min and this scrubber takes care of the problems (nitrates, phos)...he is getting insane growth on his sps, lps etc.

he is successfully keeping a goniopora (long-term) as well.